Research physicist at German Aerospace Center (DLR)
Mail: [email protected]
const LopezBanos = {
code: ["Python"],
askMeAbout: ["Quantum Physics", "tech", "Games"],
technologies: {
python_packages: {
["Matplotlib", "Seaborn", "numpy", "scipy", "Pandas", "pdoc"]
quantum_frameworks: {Ocean (D-Wave), Qiskit (IBM)},
databases: ["PostgreSQL", "MySql"],
misc: ["Bash", "SLURM", "OpenStreetMap", "Remote Sensing", "CLion", "Serial Monitor"]
currentFocus: "PhD Student in Quantum Computing",
Quoting Seneca: "Luck is the intersection of preparation and opportunity."
I love connecting with different people so if you want to say hi, I'll be happy to meet you more! 😊