An application which allows a user to create a virtual Office, rooms, chat with the employees, add memmbers, make taskboards and task cards and assign them to employees. Allows text messages in office, room and personal chats.
🌟Log in the platform and join or create a Virtual Office
💚Create Rooms, add people.
👏Chat with employees and create task boards.
💥Create Milestone Cards inside Taskboards.
git clone
cd letsmeet/backend
npm install
npm start
Open a new terminal for frontend
cd letsmeet/frontend
npm install
npm start
Follow these steps:hammer: for contributing:
💚Fork the repo.
📌Create a separate branch for any bug/feature with branch name: branch_<feature_name>
✅Commit once a feature is updated/bug is fixed.
✏️Fetch for any changes in the original repo by creating an upstream using:
git remote add upstream
git fetch upstream
🎉Merge the changes in your branch.
git merge upstream/(your_branch_name)
👽Push your changes to your branch.
🔧Make a pull request from your branch.
➕Before submitting a PR, check your code well and explain your work properly in the PR description.