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ebiiii edited this page Oct 16, 2014 · 1 revision

##GPS Test Wrapper (gps-test)

This wrapper is used only for generating random data representing a moving object. In order to test the system together, in addition to location values, this wrapper also produces some random numbers as the sensor readings and a binary field (which contains a picture file specified in the initialization parameters).


  • rate is the interval between each random generate location.
  • picture is the path to a png or jpeg file which contains a picture.

The output of the wrapper has 5 fields:

  • latitude: a moving object's latitude.
  • longitude: a moving object's longitude.
  • temperature: a double value representing the reading of a virtual temperature sensor on the moving object.
  • light: a double value representing the reading of a virtual light sensor on the moving object.
  • camera: a binary value representing the reading of a virtual camera sensor on the moving object.
  <field name="latitude" type="double">tested description - Field Latitude</field>
  <field name="longitude" type="double" />
  <field name="temperature" type="double" />
  <field name="light" type="double" />
  <field name="camera" type="binary:image/jpeg" />
<address wrapper="gps-test">
  <predicate key="rate">1000</predicate>
  <predicate key="picture">images/coin.jpeg</predicate>
<query>select latitude,longitude,temperature,light,camera from wrapper</query>
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