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Pull requests: LMMS/lmms

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Pull requests list

Modernize the toolbar needs code review A functional code review is currently required for this PR needs style review A style review is currently required for this PR needs testing This pull request needs more testing
#5261 opened Oct 20, 2019 by Lathigos Draft 1.3+
Redesign of the Controller Rack gui needs code review A functional code review is currently required for this PR needs style review A style review is currently required for this PR needs testing This pull request needs more testing rework required Pull requests which must be reworked to make it able to merge or review
#2944 opened Jul 28, 2016 by BaraMGB 1.3+
[WIP] Implementation of Vocal Synthesis in LMMS in progress rework required Pull requests which must be reworked to make it able to merge or review
#5937 opened Mar 7, 2021 by SeleDreams Draft
Add MidiExport support for different track channels, default SF2 patches and drum mapping needs code review A functional code review is currently required for this PR needs style review A style review is currently required for this PR needs testing This pull request needs more testing
#5516 opened May 24, 2020 by EmoonX
Add new Stereo Control effect enhancement rework required Pull requests which must be reworked to make it able to merge or review
#5731 opened Oct 25, 2020 by LostRobotMusic
Add loading of user-defined scales/chords needs code review A functional code review is currently required for this PR needs testing This pull request needs more testing
#5204 opened Sep 26, 2019 by Veratil Loading…
Add bar numbering alignment options
#7056 opened Jan 7, 2024 by DomClark Loading…
Add Goto feature to TimeDisplayWidget
#3115 opened Nov 12, 2016 by liushuyu Loading…
Fix automation track unmute bugs
#6550 opened Oct 26, 2022 by jphinspace Loading…
TripleOscillator: Phase Randomization
#4369 opened May 22, 2018 by josh-audio Loading…
ProTip! Find all pull requests that aren't related to any open issues with -linked:issue.