A Haskell written Complier for Latte language, done for compiler construction course. It compiles to x86_64.
You can compile and run the compiler using following commands:
./latc file_name.lat
More information can be found by typing:
./latc -h
There are three main folders inside the frontend part of the compiler:
- Lang
Lang folder stores the Latte.cf file which describes the syntax of a latte program. The grammar is written using BNFC and the file is later used to generate parser files. - Parser
Parser stores all autogenerated (by BNFC, alex and happy) files, which are used to parse the program, check for syntax errors and return a program tree. - Synthesis
Synthesis consists of three stages, each represented by one of the main file, Ast, Typecheck and Optimizer. Ast stores and converts the bnfc program tree into my own structure which optimizes some syntax constructors (swapping a for loop to a while, changing increment and decrement to regular operations etc.) Typecheck is mainly responsible for checking program correctness as well as doing some minor changes in ast. Lastly there is an optimizer, which removes dead code and folds the constants.
Interlude is a process done between the frontend and backend. Its main goal is to translate the Ast data structure into a Quadruples data structure and optimize the resulting code. It consist of two main files:
- Quadruples
Quadruples is the file responsible for translating the Ast to Quadruples data structure, which is stored inside the QuadruplesData file. - Revamper
Revamper is an Interlude's equivalent of Frontend's Optimizer - It focuses on enhancing the code produced after Quadruples translation. It does so iteratively, by constantly running value propagation and LCSE interchangeably, until reaching a fixed point.
Library holds the implementation of pre-defined functions and methods. Other than that it also implements some helper functions, such as _new, which creates a new pointer, or _cast which performs the cast between the types. The whole library is written in C and it consists of two files: an implementation and a header file. After compilation, Library creates an execuable 'runtime' in lib directory.
Backend consists of five main files whose collective goal is to create an optimized X86_64 assembly code, compile it and link it with a runtime file in order create an executable. The files and their individual goals are as follows:
- Assembler
Assembler holds the data structures which closely resamble the nasm x86_64 code. It holds all needed instructions, registers, and possible mnemonics arguments. - LivenessCheck
LivenessCheck is responsible for calculating the sets of live varirables in between the block statements. It also allows for transofrming the aforementiond sets into a set of variables and their individual liveness range within the block. The liveness of a block is later needed for register allocation. - RegisterAlloc
RegisterAlloc is mostly responsible for creating a RegState data structure, which is used by Generator for optimal register allocation in a block of a function or a method. RegState consists of register ranges that describe what occupies the register at a given line, a value map which describes where every variable used in the function is stored and a stack shift which says how much the stack pointer needs to be shifted after placing arugments at the stack. - Generator
Generator is the central point of the backend - it translates a given quadruples code into an assembler form. The generated code consists of 2 sections: .rodata, which holds classes definitions and string definitions, and .text which has implementations of all user defined functions and methods. In .text the translation utilises LivenessCheck and RegisterAlloc for an optimal register allocation. Externs to pre-defined functions and methods as well as helper functions are located above .rodata. - Extractor
Extractor is the final stage of the whole compiler. It translates the assembler code into a string form, which is then copied to a .s file, compiled to a .o file and linked with the library runtime file to create the x86_64 executable.
This compiler implements the following optimisations:
- Constatnt folding
- Dead code elimination
- Value Propagation & LCSE
- Register allocation in x86_64 code
Also, it supports the following extensions:
- Arrays
- Structs
- Classes with inheritance
- Virtual methods
Compiler uses BNFC as a grammar tool and alex + happy for parser generations. I use the Endo data structure from a haskell library Data.Monoid, which allows for more efficient Writer monad result concatenation. Besides that there aren't any unusual libraries used in the code. Most of them are related to data structures (Map, Set, List) or Monads (ExceptT, ReaderT, StateT, IO).
Compiler has five pre-defined functions:
- error(), which throws a runtime exception, effectively stopping the program from further execution,
- printInt(i), which prints a given integer to stdout,
- printString(i), which prints a given string to stdout,
- readInt(), which reads an int from stdin,
- readString(), which reads a string (line) from stdin.
There are also three pre-defined classes:
- Object, which is a parent of all classes and has an 'equals' method,
- Array, which is a class used for representing arrays - This class elements are immutable,
- String, which is a class equivalent of string primitive type and has a 'concat' method.
The grammar file defined in Frontend/Lang/ does not have any unwanted conficts. There are no reduce / reduce conflicts and 6 shift / reduce conflicts. List of the grammar conflicts:
- |new Type [Expr]| and |new Type| (Array declaration and Class declaration) - Since the two productions have the same prefix, we want to shift to check whether there is a size declaration part after the 'new' Type part.
- |Expr6 [Expr]| and |Expr6 (ListExpr)| and |Expr6 . Ident| and |(Ident) Expr6| (Array access and Function call and Element access and Cast) - Since the Expr folds to the left instead of to the right, all of these first three productions have the same prefix, thus the shift is desirable to check what comes after the expr, if anything because the cast does not have anything after itself. This problem produces 3 shift \ reduce errors.
- |Ident| and |(Ident) Expr6| (Expression variable and Cast) - Again, the same prefix (besides the first open bracket) in both of these productions, shift is desirable so that we check if there is an Expr6 after Ident.
- |if (Expr) Stmt| and |if (Expr) Stmt else Stmt| (if and if else)- Allowed conflict from the basic Latte grammar version.