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The University of Melbourne

COMP30019 – Graphics and Interaction

Workshop 7


In this workshop you will continue learning about shaders, with a particular emphasis on vertex shaders. Vertex shaders are useful for manipulating meshes in real-time without needing to continually regenerate geometry on the CPU, which is typically a lot slower. A vertex shader is actually rather simple -- it's a function that takes an untransformed vertex as input, transforms it in some way, and returns the transformed vertex for use in subsequent rendering pipeline stages.

You will need to work with these files to start off with:

  • MainScene.unity – The scene you'll need to open and modify, as usual.
  • TileTex.png – A checkerboard tile image currently used as a texture.
  • TileMaterial.mat – A Unity material using the checkerboard texture.
  • WaveShader.shader – A Cg/HLSL shader which defines behaviour in parts of the rendering pipeline. Note that this is not executed on the CPU, but rather the GPU (on a graphics card).


1. Assign the wave shader to the plane's material

After opening MainScene.unity in Unity, you should see a textured plane on the screen. Currently the ‘Standard’ Unity shader is applied to the plane. Your first task is to assign the shader WaveShader.shader to the plane. This can be done without any coding. (Recall that shaders are assigned via an object’s material, and here the material is an asset file in the project...)

2. Hardcode some linear transformations

Open WaveShader.shader and examine the vertex shader. Take note of the displacement vector. What effect does it have, if any, currently? Is it applied before or after the MVP transform?

For the next tasks, namely up until task 6, you only need to modify this vector to solve the respective problems!

  • Modify the displacement vector so that the plane is displaced 5 units in the y-axis (‘up’).

  • Modify the vector so that the plane moves upwards. A built-in uniform variable named _Time.y should help here. Note that _Time is a float4 whereby the y component contains the number of seconds elapsed since the start of the scene. For more details see this page.

  • Modify the vector so that the plane smoothly oscillates up and down in the y-axis. Feel free to use the built-in HLSL sin() function to assist with this.

So far everything you have done could have easily been achieved by setting the object’s transform in the Unity editor (i.e., via the MVP matrix). Now you will implement an effect which would be impossible to achieve by doing this alone. This is where vertex shaders start to shine!

3. Make some waves...

Use the built-in sin() function to displace the y-coordinate of each vertex in terms of its x-coordinate according to the formula y = sin(x). Once this is implemented, you should see a wave effect applied to the plane.

4. Animate them!

Animate the effect such that waves continuously move through the plane in the x-axis. Use a similar technique to how you animated the plane in question 2.

5. Change their parameters

Further modify the shader such that:

  • The amplitude of the waves is halved.
  • The speed of the waves is doubled.
  • The speed of the waves increases with time.

6. Understanding M(VP)

Create a few duplicates of the plane game object. Place these duplicates in random locations in the scene, and arbitrarily rotate/scale them. Use their individual Transform components to do this, like you would with any game object. Notice that the wave effect is relative to each individual plane's local coordinate system, not the world's. That's because the wave transformation is occuring in model coordinates. Indeed, if you examine the shader again you'll see that the MVP transformation is occuring after the wave transformation.

Recall that UNITY_MATRIX_MVP captures three linear transformations "in sequence":

  1. Transforms vertices from model coordinates to world coordinates, essentially the object's Transform.
  2. Transforms vertices from world coordinates to view coordinates, such that the camera is at (0, 0, 0) looking "forward" (identity transform). This is the inverse of the camera game object's Transform.
  3. Projects vertices in view coordinates to normalised screen coordinates ("2D" space), either using perspective or orthographic projection.

Given the world is 3D, it might surprise you that the MVP matrix is four dimensional (4x4). At risk of over-simplifying some complex but very interesting maths, the core reason for this is that we are capturing translation as part of the matrix, rather than keeping a separate vector alongside it.

Simply as an academic exercise, replace UNITY_MATRIX_MVP with UNITY_MATRIX_VP in the wave shader. This is a partial product of MVP where M has been omitted. In other words, there is no longer a transformation from model coordinates to world coordinates. Return to the scene and you'll see that there is only one wave at the origin of the world... the duplicates are gone!

...or are they? In fact, from Unity's CPU-side of things, nothing changed. The duplicates are still there in the object hierarchy, and the Transform components still have the same values as before (verify this!). What we've done is ignore the individual object transforms on the GPU side. This is a purely visual effect, and kind of pointless in this example, but shows how powerful shaders are. Unity provides the data to correctly transform objects, but leaves it up to you, the shader writer, to actually use this data to render objects how you see fit!

7. What about V?

Try doing the same thing as in the previous task, but this time omit the V matrix rather than M. Unfortunately there is no UNITY_MATRIX_MP matrix, so you'll need to construct it yourself using the HLSL mul function.

The model matrix doesn't follow the UNITY_MATRIX_* naming convention that the others do. Once again, this page should come in handy if you forgot the names of the partial matrix products available.

When this is working, assuming you haven't moved the original plane from the origin, it should be "in your face" no matter what the camera orientation is. Perhaps unsurprisingly, removal of V simply ignores the camera transform, in the same way that removal of M ignores the object's transform. Again, this is a purely visual effect in the shader. The camera component/transform has not changed at all on the CPU end, we're just not utilising it during rendering!

8. Relativity please...

Now it's time to put your knowledge of MVP partial products to the test for real.

Modify the shader such that the wave effect is occurring in view space rather than model space. This will result in the waves travelling through the object relative to the camera’s orientation. You should verify the effect works by switching to the ‘Scene’ tab and rotating camera around.

9. Do-it-yourself MVP (challenge)

So how exactly does Unity construct UNITY_MATRIX_MVP? Turns out it's not magic, but there's a good reason why you don't see the gory details behind it. There's a fair bit of internal complexity to do with cross-platform handling of underlying graphics APIs -- primarily DirectX or OpenGL (among a few others). If you want to go a down a rabbit hole that will deepen your understanding of the internal workings here, continue on.

Your task is to manually construct the MVP matrix in a C# component, attached to the plane. This should replace the UNITY_MATRIX_MVP in the wave shader, via a uniform property you should define like so:

uniform float4x4 _CustomMVP

On every update, you should re-construct it and make it available within the wave shader via the plane's material. To keep things simple, you may assume only one camera is rendering the object per frame, namely the Main Camera game object (don't worry about getting the scene view camera working). Simply use a [SerializeField] private Camera ... field to reference the Camera component.

There are a few classes/utilities you may use to make your life easier:

  • Unity comes with a Matrix4x4 class to represent a matrix, so you don't need to do this.
  • The Material class has a SetMatrix method utilising to this class. This lets you pass a matrix to a shader.
  • You may use Matrix4x4.TRS, a helper function that constructs a matrix from a Vector3 position, Quaternion rotation and Vector3 scale.
  • You may use Matrix4x4.Perspective to assist with generating the projection matrix.

It might help to solve this problem one matrix at a time. The M matrix is simplest, so start with that one. To test that it's working, pass it to your shader then multiply it by UNITY_MATRIX_VP, which you know is correct.

Note that to fully solve this problem you'll need to consider how coordinate systems vary between DirectX and OpenGL. While Unity scenes and HLSL code both assume left-handed coordinates, it's not so simple behind the scenes, as the underlying graphics API might not be DirectX. Also be aware that HLSL may get cross-compiled to the OpenGL equivalent (GLSL), again depending on the underlying graphics API. While you won't need to work with GLSL code directly here, there is a presumption of right-handed coordinates being used in MVP (N.B. This is pretty complex stuff, and the more you become aware of it, the more you appreciate using a pre-built game engine over rolling your own!)

All in all, this exercise will likely require a bit of trial and error, as well as research. Give it your best shot, but don't worry if you can't figure everything out. A solution will be provided as usual.

Have fun!


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