This is the source code for the Kegbot Android application!
Main repository:
Home page:
Bear with us as better develop documentation is coming!
In the meantime, here are quick and dirty steps:
- Clone the kegbot-android repo
- Eclipse: Import -> Existing Projects into Workspace.
- Import the projects (Kegtab, KegtabTest)
Kegbot is open source; we'd love to have your patches to make it better.
If you're considering adding something major, do get in touch with us in the forums or on #freenode to talk about it first; it should make the pull request go faster.
All code is offered under the GPLv2 license, unless otherwise noted. Please see LICENSE.txt for the full license.
The Kegbot name and logo are trademarks of the Kegbot project; please don't reuse them without our permission.