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Sets the language for carpet
/carpet language zh_cn
- none (english)
- zh_cn
- zh_tw
Nether portals correctly place entities going through
/carpet portalSuffocationFix false
Amount of delay ticks to use a nether portal in creative
/carpet portalCreativeDelay 1
Amount of delay ticks to use a nether portal in survival
/carpet portalSurvivalDelay 80
Dropping entire stacks works also from on the crafting UI result slot
/carpet ctrlQCraftingFix false
Parrots don't get of your shoulders until you receive proper damage
/carpet persistentParrots false
Players absorb XP instantly, without delay
/carpet xpNoCooldown false
XP orbs combine with other into bigger orbs
/carpet combineXPOrbs false
Empty shulker boxes can stack to 64 when dropped on the ground
/carpet stackableShulkerBoxes false
Explosions won't destroy blocks
/carpet explosionNoBlockDamage false
Removes random TNT momentum when primed
/carpet tntPrimerMomentumRemoved false
Sets the horizontal random angle on TNT for debugging of TNT contraptions
/carpet hardcodeTNTangle -1
Shulkers will respawn in end cities
/carpet shulkerSpawningInEndCities false
TNT doesn't update when placed against a power source
/carpet tntDoNotUpdate false
Pistons, droppers and dispensers react if block above them is powered
/carpet quasiConnectivity true
Players can flip and rotate blocks when holding cactus
/carpet flippinCactus false
Hoppers pointing to wool will count items passing through them
/carpet hopperCounters false
Guardians turn into Elder Guardian when struck by lightning
/carpet renewableSponges false
Saplings turn into dead shrubs in hot climates and no water access
/carpet desertShrubs false
Silverfish drop a gravel item when breaking out of a block
/carpet silverFishDropGravel false
Summoning a lightning bolt has all the side effects of natural lightning
/carpet summonNaturalLightning false
Enables /spawn command for spawn tracking
/carpet commandSpawn false
Enables /tick command to control game clocks
/carpet commandTick true
Enables /log command to monitor events via chat and overlays
/carpet commandLog true
sets these loggers in their default configurations for all new players
/carpet defaultLoggers none
Enables /distance command to measure in game distance between points
/carpet commandDistance true
Enables /info command for blocks
/carpet commandInfo true
Enables /c and /s commands to quickly switch between camera and survival modes
/carpet commandCameramode true
Enables /perimeterinfo command that scans the area around the block for potential spawnable spots
/carpet commandPerimeterInfo true
Enables /draw commands
/carpet commandDraw true
Enables /script command
/carpet commandScript true
Enables /player command to control/spawn players
/carpet commandPlayer true
Placing carpets may issue carpet commands for non-op players
/carpet carpets false
Pistons, Glass and Sponge can be broken faster with their appropriate tools
/carpet missingTools false
fill/clone/setblock and structure blocks cause block updates
/carpet fillUpdates true
Customizable piston push limit
/carpet pushLimit 12
Customizable powered rail power range
/carpet railPowerLimit 9
Customizable fill/clone volume limit
/carpet fillLimit 32768
Customizable forceload chunk limit
/carpet forceloadLimit 256
One player is required on the server to cause night to pass
/carpet onePlayerSleeping false
Cactus in dispensers rotates blocks
/carpet rotatorBlock false
Coral structures will grow with bonemeal from coral plants
/carpet renewableCoral false
Removes fog from client in the nether and the end
/carpet fogOff false