This project does participate in the Hacktoberfest 2022 event!
A Discord bot which provides various commands to get data from public APIs. This project is using the discord.js library and public APIs from this list or other ressources.
For the duration of Hacktoberfest 2022, only one issue/pull request per person will be accepted. If you want to contribute more, please look for other repositories here and keep contributing ❤️
- Navigate to an open issue and ask to be assigned to it (or create one yourself)
- After you are assigned, fork the repository and create a new branch
- Make your changes on the new branch and commit them
- Create a pull request and wait for it to be reviewed
- Thats it!
For more information check out the Contribution Guidelines
Command | Description | API |
/invitelink |
Shows the invite link for the bot | |
/ping |
Pong! | |
/serverinfo |
Shows information about the server | |
/userinfo |
Shows information about the user | |
/excuse |
Sends a random excuse | Excuser |
/show-chess-leaderboard |
Shows information about the current leaderboard | |
/trivia |
Shows a random question, react with ✅ or ❌. | |
/numberfact |
Shows a random number fact | |
/catfact |
Shows a random fact about cats. | meowfacts |
/dogfact |
Shows a random fact about dogs. | Dog API |
/dictionary |
Get definitions and synonyms of words. | dictionaryapi |
/foxpic |
Shows a random picture of a fox. | RandomFox |
/mathquestion |
Sends a random math question. | xMath API |
/uptime |
Shows how long Stats-Bot has been up. | Countdown NPM Package |
/crypto |
Provide detail about given crypto currency. | coinstat |
/motivation |
Shows a random motivation quote. | motivation |
/breakingbad |
Shows a random Breaking Bad quote. | Breaking Bad Quotes Api |
/dogpic |
Shows a random dog picture. | Dog Pic API |
/catpic |
Shows a random cat picture. | Cat Pic API |
/duckpic |
Shows a random duck picture. | Duck Pic API |
/joke |
Give you a random joke. | Joke API |
/chuck |
Shows a random joke about Chuck Norris | Chuck Norris API |
/animequote |
Shows a random anime quote. | anime-chan |
/bored |
Get something to do if you are bored. | Bored API |
/kanye |
Shows a random quote by Kanye West. | Kanye Rest API |
/websiteicon |
Shows the favicon of the requested sit. | Icon Horse API |
/guessage |
Guess the age of a specific or random name. | Agify API, Random Data API |
/npm |
Query the NPM registry for npm package details. | NPM Registry |
/stockimage |
Get a random 1920x1080p stock image. | Lorem Picsum |
/tecchy |
Shows a random tech-savvy phrase. | TechyAPI |
/affirmation |
Shows a random affirmation quote. | Affirmation Dev API |
/series |
Get any tv/web series information | CatchTheShow |
/meme |
Send Random Memes. | Reddit Random Memes Api |
/list-data-breaches |
Lists data breaches using the API | |
/onthisday |
Shows a random history event happended on this date. | ZenQuotes |
/fruit |
Get interesting information about fruit | Fruityvice |
/serverip |
Display server IP and location | MyIP API |
/guessnationality |
Guess the country of a specific or random name. | Nationalize API, Random Data API |
/countryinfo |
Display information about a specific country. | REST Countries |
/breakingbaddeath |
Shows a random death reason of a Breaking Bad character | Breaking Bad Death Api |
/advice |
Shows a random advice. | Advice Slip API |
/shiba |
Show shiba inu picture. | |
/yesno |
Get an answer to any question. | |
/xkcd |
Shows a random xkcd comic. | xkcd Swagger REST API |
/roboavatar |
Create a Robotor Avatar by entering a string. | Robo Avatar API |
/inspiration |
Get Inspiration. | goprogram API |
/horoscope |
Get Horscope. | Aztro Api |
/whatshouldieat |
Get a random recipe from themealdb. | themealdb API |
/ayah |
Get a verse of Quran. | AlQuran Cloud |
/encryption |
Encrypt/decrypt a message using a key. | Classify API |
/earthevent |
Return a natural event that occurred in the last 30 days. | EONET API |
/apod |
Return an astronomy picture of the day. | NASA APOD API |
- Node.js (v16.14.0 or higher)
- Discord Account
- Fork or Clone the repository to your local machine
- Navigate to the project root directory (location of package.json)
- Run the command
npm install
to install all dependencies - Setting up a discord bot application
- Follow this guide on how to set up a new discord application and add a bot
- Save the
Bot Token
,Client ID
andClient Secret
to a new file named.env
in the project root directory
Example .env
file content:
DC_BOT_TOKEN=<your bot token>
DC_BOT_CLIENT_ID=<your application client id>
DC_BOT_CLIENT_SECRET=<your application client secret>
npm run dev
This runs the application with nodemon which automatically restarts the application when changes are made.
- Option 1: Follow this guide on
- Option 2: Use the base Url
and add following url parameters:- client_id: Your application client id (
) - permissions: All permissions the bot should have when invited as a string (
) - scope:
- client_id: Your application client id (
A month-long celebration from October 1st - 31st sponsored by Digital Ocean and GitHub to get people involved in Open Source.
Create your very first pull request to any public repository on GitHub and contribute to the open source developer community.