- Google DAI implements sample code and integrates with Playcraft API
- For self-linear, show the timing of request next content
- API corresponding
- ${projectRoot}\app\libs\kks-network.aar
- com.squareup.okhttp3
- com.google.code.gson:gson
- Player
- ExoPlayer
- Google IMA DAI SDK
- com.google.ads.interactivemedia.v3
If not enabled already, you need to turn on Java 8 support in all build.gradle files depending on ExoPlayer, by adding the following to the android section:
compileOptions {
targetCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8
If your Gradle minSdkVersion is 20 or lower, you should enable multidex in order to prevent build errors.
- create the exoplayer and wrap into AdsStreamPlayer which implement the IMA interface (VideoStreamPlayer)
val player = SimpleExoPlayer.Builder(this).build()
binding.playerView.player = player
val adsStreamPlayer = AdsStreamPlayer(player)
- create the adsLoader
val setting = sdkFactory.createImaSdkSettings()
val displayContainer = ImaSdkFactory.createStreamDisplayContainer(binding.adsView, adsStreamPlayer)
val adsLoader = sdkFactory.createAdsLoader(this, setting, displayContainer)
- The following information must be initialized to request the backend server. (Please search for "API info" in this demo.
- ☆☆☆ It is currently set to an empty string, so if the correct information is not filled in, this demo will not function properly.
// API Info
private const val HOST_URL = "" // https://xxxxxx.xxxx.xxxx
private const val CONTENT_ID = "" // ex: 1, 20, ...etc
private const val ACCESS_TOKEN = "" // token
- Get videoInfo, start playback session and playback information. The playback information includes "CONTENT_SOURCE_ID" and "VIDEO_ID", which will be used when sending DAI requests for VOD streams.
ioScope.launch {
val videoInfo = requestVideoInfo(CONTENT_ID)
contentType = videoInfo!!.type.toString().toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT)
val startSessionData = startPlaybackSession(CONTENT_ID, contentType, "")!!
playbackToken = startSessionData.token
// Polling heartbeat if playback token is exist.
pollingHeartbeat(CONTENT_ID, contentType, playbackToken)
//get manifest
val playbackInfoData = getPlaybackInfo(CONTENT_ID, contentType, startSessionData.token)!!
withContext(Dispatchers.Main) {
- request the streaming with PlaybackInfo
val request = sdkFactory.createVodStreamRequest(
).apply {
format = StreamRequest.StreamFormat.DASH
- Since the
and is registered in adsLoader, the response can be obtained in theonAdsManagerLoaded(event: AdsManagerLoadedEvent?)
method. Then, initializestreamManager
override fun onAdsManagerLoaded(event: AdsManagerLoadedEvent?) {
streamManager = event?.streamManager?.apply {
- On the other hand, adsLoader owns
which ownedadsStreamPlayer
which implementedVideoStreamPlayer
interface. So, the callback methodloadUrl
will be trigger.
override fun loadUrl(url: String?, subtitle: MutableList<HashMap<String, String>>?) {
// here you can get the manifest with ads inserted
callback?.onVideoUrlLoaded(url ?: "")
setupMetaOutputCallback() // for Live streaming
override fun onVideoUrlLoaded(url: String) {
// Get Cue Points
val list = getAllAdCuePoints()
- ExoPlayer provides a wedgit called
which implements cue point markers. It's easy to style with its properties.
binding.progressBar.apply {
- Because player runs on stream timeline. It include ads duration. Please use below methods processing the conversion. For more details, please search
Timeline conversion
in this demo
private fun getStreamTime(contentTime: Long): Long {
// getStreamTimeForContentTime => second in second out
return streamManager?.getStreamTimeForContentTime(contentTime.toSecond())?.toMilliSecond() ?: contentTime
private fun getContentTime(streamTime: Long): Long {
// getContentTimeForStreamTime => second in second out
return streamManager?.getContentTimeForStreamTime(streamTime.toSecond())?.toMilliSecond() ?: streamTime
- Seeking
- Because we set the duration of the progress bar to the content timeline, we need to convert the seeking position to the stream timeline, and then let the player seek to the correct position.
- For more details, please search
Scrub event of progress bar
in this demo.
override fun onScrubStop(timeBar: TimeBar, position: Long, canceled: Boolean) {
if (canceled.not()) {
- For more details, please search
in this demo.
ioScope.launch {
// update last position, if needed
// stop heart beat
pollingHeartbeatAction?.let {
// end start session
endStartSession(CONTENT_ID, contentType, playbackToken)
- By monitoring the current position, if the total content duration is reached, request the next content and set the returned data to the player.
- Please reference the
method for more details.
private fun requestNextContent() {
val duration = getContentTime(player.duration)
val currentPosition = getContentTime(player.currentPosition)
if (currentPosition >= duration) {
apiFlow.getNextContent("NEXT_CONTENT_ID") { data ->
playbackInfoData = data
// prepare the media source and send it to player