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Liang-Bin Hsueh edited this page Sep 24, 2015 · 22 revisions


Where did the name "Fire" come from?

It is the nickname of our awesome visual designer, @underfire.

What is the difference between and works with all application types because it doesn't make any assumptions for how you are writing your markup. is for users who want the ease of without the overhead of using a web framework or setting up web server. comes with:

  • Sass/Compass support
  • HAML/ERB/Markdown support
  • CoffeeScript support
  • Layouts, partials and helpers
  • Build project
  • ...and still more to come

Can I use other compass extension?

Yes. Please check Use Compass Extensions section.

Can I use my own rubygems?

Yes. You can specify the gem path in preferences. will try to load it in JRuby (so native gems will not work). requires these gems and sass/compass.

How do I remove the line comment in CSS?

You can choose "Change Sass Options...", and uncheck the "Line Comment" option.

How do I generate compressed CSS?

You can choose "Change Sass Options...", and check the "compressed" option.

You have a built-in web server. What web server do you use? has included WEBrick, a tiny web server and good for development & testing purpose.

Can I use to watch multiple projects at the same time?


How to use on Ubuntu 11.10

Thank @bueltge

  • Install configuratuin editor: sudo apt-get install dconf-tools.
  • Start this editor: dconf-editor.
  • Go to: desktop → unity → panel.
  • Remove all entries to ['all']or create an whitelist with your apps. Ex: ['JavaEmbeddedFrame', 'Wine', 'Skype', 'hp-systray', 'scp-dbus-service'].
  • Restart unity by pressing Alt + F2 and entering: unity --replace If you run this from a normal terminal Unity will break when you close that terminal forcing a restart.

How to use on Ubuntu 12.04/12.10?

Pretty much the opposite of how you make it work in 11.10

  • Install configuration editor gsettings with: sudo apt-get install dconf-tools
  • Whitelist all applications with by running the following command in a terminal: gsettings set com.canonical.Unity.Panel systray-whitelist "['all']"
  • Double check that it applied correctly, gsettings get com.canonical.Unity.Panel systray-whitelist should spit out ['all']
  • Restart unity by pressing Alt + F2 and entering: unity --replace If you run this from a normal terminal Unity will break when you close that terminal forcing a restart.

How to use Susy or Zurb Foundation with

Please check Install Susy or Zurb Foundation. says it is watching on the project, but does not compile Sass files when modified.

Before v1.4, some people have encountered similar issue in OS X 10.8. It is because of this Compass issue ticket:

But others people are ok without any issue. You can solve this problem temporarily by:

  1. Right click app icon, choose "Show Package Contents", and remove this folder:


  2. Restart It will not rely on OS level file event to watch files.

In v1.4, we will disable the OS level file event by default. If you want to re-enable it, please add this line manually in ~/.fire-app/config:

force_enable_fsevent: true
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