The gulp-viewport plugin will be deprecated for its new alternative viewport-uploader. The new plugin uses webpack for bundling which allows to use ES6 style javascript in your custom theme. gulp-viewport won't receive any more updates in the future.
- Quick Start
- Manual Setup
- Advanced Usage
- Using gulp without a .viewportrc for a CI server
- Known Limitations
- Resources & Further Reading
- Licensing
The Gulp plugin for Scroll Viewport theme development uploads theme resources directly into Scroll Viewport.
This is useful, when developing a Scroll Viewport theme in a local IDE. In this case, Gulp can watch the resources, and automatically upload the build results into Scroll Viewport.
The fastest way to get started with Gulp viewport is to use the Viewport Developer tools (available and start with a template project:
- Install the Viewport Developer Tools:
$ npm i -g viewport-tools
- Set up the URL and credentials for your Confluence development system:
viewport init
- Create a new viewport theme project:
viewport create
Select the 'Example Theme' in the third step.
Create a config file .viewportrc
in your home directory. This contains a list of all systems to which you want to upload your themes.
Each section in the file is represents a Confluence server, also called target system. In the example above there is one target system called DEV.
NOTE: If any entry contains a semicolon, make sure to escape it like this \;
. This is necessary because in ini files, semicolons
start a comment.
For advanced usage, please refer to the instructions below.
Install gulp-viewport as dev dependency:
npm i -D gulp-viewport
Require gulp-viewport and create a ViewportTheme.
var ViewportTheme = require('gulp-viewport'); var viewportTheme = new ViewportTheme({ themeName: 'your-theme', env: 'DEV' // taken from the ~/.viewportrc });
Create the Viewport theme in Confluence (since 2.3.0):
gulp.task('create', function() { if(!viewportTheme.exists()) { viewportTheme.create(); // will create the theme in Confluence (global admin permissions required!) } else { console.log('Theme with name \'' + viewportTheme.themeName + '\' already exists.'); } });
Upload your theme project
gulp.task('upload', function () { return gulp.src('src/**/*') .pipe(viewportTheme.upload( { sourceBase: 'src', } )) });
Below is the full list of configuration options:
var viewportTheme = new ViewportTheme({
// name of the theme to upload to
themeName: 'your-theme-name',
// If you want to use space admin permissions instead of global, set the space key here
scope: ,
// For home-config users of .viewportrc - defines which config to use for target
env: 'DEV',
// If you want to set up your target via the gulpfile instead of a .viewportrc, use this.
// Notice that you should NOT check in your credentials with git!
// omit env, if you are using target.
target: {
confluenceBaseUrl: 'http://localhost:1990/confluence',
// A user that is eligible to update viewport themes in the given space
username: 'admin',
password: 'admin',
// If the source is placed in a subfolder (dist/theme/...) use this path
sourceBase: '',
// If the source has to be placed somewhere else than /
targetPath: '',
If you want to create a viewport theme in a specific scope (space), just set the scope on the theme as follows:
var viewportTheme = new ViewportTheme({
themeName: 'your-theme',
env: 'DEV', // taken from the ~/.viewportrc
scope: 'TEST' // space key
gulp.task('create', function() {
if(!viewportTheme.exists()) {
viewportTheme.create(); // will create a theme in the space with key 'test' (space admin permissions required!)
} else {
console.log('Theme with name \'' + THEME_NAME + '\' already exists.');
You may be deploying the theme to different environments (such as development or testing). To do so, you can configure different
environments in ~/.viewportrc
and use that configurations in your gulpfile.js
This is how you can configure different target environments:
In the example above there are two target systems called DEV and TEST. Then you can use the Gulp Viewport plugin in your gulp file along with a command line parameter:
var ViewportTheme = require('gulp-viewport');
var minimist = require('minimist');
var knownOptions = {
string: 'env',
default: { env: process.env.VPRT_ENV || 'DEV' }
var options = minimist(process.argv.slice(2), knownOptions);
var viewportTheme = new ViewportTheme({
themeName: 'theme-name',
env: options.env
Then you can pass the parameter on the gulp command line to specify the target system, or omit it to fallback to an environment variable or the default value:
gulp --env TEST
Note: It is even possible to specify a themeName and scope for the environment, if you may want to upload the theme with different scopes (global or specific spaces) and/or names:
These two settings are special, as they give you control over where the source comes from, and where it belongs to.
Example with single file
We want to preprocess src/less/main.less
and upload it to css/main.css
The setting would have to be the following:
gulp.task('less', function () {
return gulp.src('src/less/main.less')
sourceBase: 'build/css/main.css',
targetPath: 'css/main.css'
In this case, we change paths, so we have to set a new sourceBase. If we just want different folders, but keep the extension and filename, you will use it like this:
Example with multiple files
Templates are in src/main_theme/templates
and we want to upload to /
gulp.task('less', function () {
return gulp.src('src/main_theme/templates/**/*.vm')
sourceBase: 'src/main_theme/templates',
This rebases the path for all uploaded files to /
. In this case, all uploaded files have src/main_theme/templates
So with these two options, you can remove or extend the path.
The gulp-viewport plugin provides a special destination, that uploads a files in the pipeline to a target (that has been defined in the ~/.viewportrc
gulp.task('templates', function () {
return gulp.src('assets/**/*.vm')
.pipe(viewportTheme.upload()); // upload to viewport theme
accepts options that can temporarily override the options for the upload. This is useful for setting sourceBase
and targetPath
on demand. Note: the options are reset to the initial ones, after each upload.
Especially CSS and JS files usually need some batching, minification and other pre-processing. Here is how to do it.
gulp.task('less', function () {
return gulp.src('assets/less/main.less')
targetPath: 'css/main.css' // target destination of batched file
For development gulp-watch and BrowserSync is super handy.
To set up gulp-watch and BrowserSync:
// Dependencies
var browserSync = require('browser-sync').create();
// [...]
var ViewportTheme = require('gulp-viewport');
var viewportTheme = new ViewportTheme({
themeName: 'theme-name',
// The target system needs to match with a section in .viewportrc
env: 'DEV',
sourceBase: 'assets'
gulp.task('watch', function () {
// init browser sync.
open: false,
// the target needs to define a viewportUrl
proxy: 'http://localhost:1990/confluence',
// Override the UPLOAD_OPTS to enable auto reload.
viewportTheme.on('uploaded', browserSync.reload);'assets/less/**.less', ['less']);'assets/**/*.vm', ['templates']);
// ... create more watches for other file types here
gulp.task('reset-theme', function () {
Checkout example/gulpfile.js for a full example gulpfile. To use the example, you need to install the following dependencies:
npm i -S browser-sync clone extend gulp-less gulp-minify-css gulp-sourcemaps
For tools like Bitbucket pipelines, where you can't rely on a file .viewportrc
sitting in your home, or need automated builds on a CI server, you can use the following process.env
Same with the config for the gulpfile: you can omit env
if you use user
, password
and url
Checkout example/gulpfile.js for a full example gulpfile. This example assumes theme source is found in a src/ subdirectory. To start from an existing theme, download the theme jar and unpack into src/, e.g.:
cd example
mkdir src/
unzip -d src/ /tmp/scroll-webhelp-theme-2.4.3.jar
- Please make sure you have Scroll Viewport 2.7.1 or later installed, the Gulp plugin will not work with any version before that. If you look to support an older version, please install version 1.2.0 of the plugin (See readme 1.2.0).
- If you move or delete files locally, gulp-viewport will not automatically delete or move in your Confluence. In order
to reset a theme use
to remove all files and then upload all files from scratch.
The following resources have been used when creating the plugin:
- If you have any questions please join our mailing list and ask them there:!forum/scroll-viewport-dev
- A general starter on Gulp plugins:
- For the API of the file objects used here: