DEPRECATED in favor of TypeTreeGeneratorAPI
A simple cross-platform CLI port of Perfare's MonoBehaviourConverter into a CLI application. Unity.CecilTools and Unity.SerializationLogic are from the official UnityCSReference.
- -p ~ assembly folder path (required)
- -a ~ assembly name (required)
- -v ~ unity version (required)
- -c ~ class name (if not set, all classes will be dumped)
- -n ~ namespace (optional for set class name)
- -d ~ dump style (simple, json, json_min, bin)
- -z ~ if used, the data will be compressed via gzip
- -o ~ output path (instead of printing the data will be stored in the given path) //TODO
All binary formats (bin, compressed) are displayed as base64 string.
./TypeTreeGeneratorCLI.exe -p "./DummyDll" -a "Assembly-CSharp.dll" -v "2018.4.36f1" -d json -o "./assembly-csharp.json"
Linux and Mac users have to use the .exe as well.
In case it boots up wine for them,
they can try dotnet ./TypeTreeGeneratorCLI.dll
instead of ./TypeTreeGeneratorCLI.exe
Builds can be downloaded from Releases.