This website is live at
- React
- Redux
- AntDesign
- Linting: ESLint
- Node
- Express
- MongoDB Atlas
- mongoose
- Heroku
- jsonwebtoken
- Linting: ESLint
# Fork this repository (superproject) and clone your fork
$ cd trbc_01/
$ cd client/
$ npm install --force
# Fork the server submodule (trbc_01_server repository)
$ cd ../server
$ git init
$ git remote add origin <your-fork>.git
$ git pull origin master
$ npm install
$ cd ../
$ git add server
$ git commit -m 'commit message'
$ git push origin main
// Now your superproject fork's server directory should point to your submodule fork on Github. But if it doesn't, it is still fine and you may continue developing in these 2 git repositories separately, which are essentially the client and server.
# Create a .env file with MONGODB_URI, PORT, and TOKEN information
$ cd ../client/
$ npm start
$ cd ../server/
$ npm run dev
# Develop...
$ cd ../client/
$ npm run build
$ cp -r build ../server
$ cd ../server/
$ git add .
$ git commit -m 'commit message'
$ git push heroku master
$ cd ../server/
$ git push origin master
$ cd ../client/
$ git add .
$ git commit -m 'commit message'
$ git push origin main
# Make your pull requests:
# - One PR for trbc_01
# - One PR for trbc_01_server
$ git clone [email protected]:fillingthemoon/trbc_01.git
$ cd trbc_01/
$ git submodule init
$ git submodule update
$ cd client/
$ npm install --force
$ cd ../server/
$ npm install
# Create a .env file with MONGODB_URI, PORT, and TOKEN information
$ cd ..client/
$ npm start
$ cd ../server/
$ npm run dev
# Develop...
$ cd ../client/
$ npm run build
$ cp -r build ../server
$ cd ../server/
$ git add .
$ git commit -m 'commit message'
$ git push heroku master
$ cd ../server/
$ git push origin master
$ cd ../client/
$ git add .
$ git commit -m 'commit message'
$ git push origin main
cd server
npm start
Our Team endpoint
GET (Success Response)
"_id": "6043a8ae73aa4db5396c8360",
"name": "Rev Adrian Limsssss",
"designation": "Senior Pastor",
"image": "",
"__v": 0
POST (Body)
"name":"Ivan Lim",
"image": "s3://trbcbucket/IvanChow.jpg"
POST (Success)
"name": "Ivan Lim",
"designation": "Caretaker",
"image": "s3://trbcbucket/IvanChow.jpg",
"_id": "604429422ddf340e909c5d1f"
PUT (Body)
"_id": "604429422ddf340e909c5d1f",
"name":"Ivan Li m",
"image": "s3://trbcbucket/IvanChow.jpg"
PUT (Success)
"n": 1,
"nModified": 1,
"opTime": {
"ts": "6936715780423680001",
"t": 10
"electionId": "7fffffff000000000000000a",
"ok": 1,
"$clusterTime": {
"clusterTime": "6936715780423680001",
"signature": {
"hash": "ts1MDZWtG3+pqu13oBVixUX/IRY=",
"keyId": "6896689704586969092"
"operationTime": "6936715780423680001"}
"_id": "604429422ddf340e909c5d1f"