Twitter-esque social networking site.
- Django / Django Rest Framework
- PostgreSQL
- React
- Redux
- Posts: Post, post reply, repost, post like.
- Following/Followers
- Profiles
- Basic settings
- Notifications: Currently uses polling, sockets would be better.
- Search
- Recommended users/posts: Does not use any special algorithm. Recommended posts are the latest posts of users who you are not following. Recommended users are users you are not following.
git clone
Create an .env
file in the root directory (next to package.json
) with the following content:
SECRET_KEY='super secret key'
Create a database, user, and grant user superuser permissions. Superuser permissions have to be granted in order to use Django's CITextExtension
In a PostgreSQL shell (sudo -u postgres psql
), issue the following commands:
postgres=# create database social;
postgres=# create user social with encrypted password 'social';
postgres=# grant all privileges on database social to social;
postgres=# alter user social with superuser;
npm install
npm run build
For development, use npm start
poetry install
poetry run social/ migrate
poetry run social/ runserver
Then in your browser, visit localhost:8000
and register a new user.