The application interface for `TeaParty`
## Design / OverviewTeaParty
consists of two core parts tea
& party
, as illustrated by the diagram below.
- A suite of services and logic that support the platform. This is where all the magic happens πͺ ( If this sounds complicated, just think ofparty
as the π§ "brains" π§ of the project .) -
- A suite of services and logic to make it easy for users to interact withparty
was elected to be designed as a desktop application over a hosted web service in order to provide users with the most control, safety, privacy, and security, while interacting with the marketplace. (Note Although tea
is packaged as a desktop application, it does not have to run on your local desktop! In fact it is quite happy living on a remote server.)
works by first checking for a local NKN wallet, wallet
, file and begins listing to this address. If this file does not exist, a new account is created for the user. (NOTE This file, wallet
, is very imporant and should be treated as any other wallet or private key. Do not delete, move, or alter this file while you have open or pending trades as your NKN public address is how party
talks to your tea
After starting the NKN connection, tea
also begins serving the static assets located at kodata
(our React application) while exposing several API endpoints for the user to interact with Party
is now at your disposal to interact with πParty
currently supports the trade of the following assets:
- PartyChain
- Ethereum
- EthOne
- Octa
- Polygon
- Celo
- Solana
- ANY - ( Users are able to list trades for
of the supported assets by defining a USD value for the trade)
I am currently in the process of introducing the following assets into TeaParty
- NFT's (on all supported chains)
- Kaspa
- Radiant
- Bitcoin
- Raven
- Ergo
- .... Want
to support something not on the roadmap? submit an issue and let me know!
NOTE Tea is currently in BETA and the only server avalible is the staging enviorment. In the staging environment there are several IMPORTANT differences from the production environment:
- All of the RPC's are pointing to the following networks
* Ethereum: Goerli ([faucet](
* Polygon: Mumbai ([faucet](
* Solana: Testnet ([faucet](
* Celo: Alfajores ([faucet](
* GRAMS: Mainnet
* OCTA: Mainnet
* ETHONE: Mainnet
The watch timeout has been taken down to 300 secconds from 2 hours ( After 300 secconds any pending transaction will fail)
Currently, users still have to pay for the transaction fees ( I will personally reimburse any and all GRAMS costs incurred while playing on testnet untill the faucet is setup.
is currently distribuited as both a container image and a Linux binary. This path was taken to support a maximum number of runtime environments at launch, however, the packaging will change over time to make it accessable to non Linux/Docker users.
Please download and configure Docker for your system. (GUI - download CLI - download)
If you need help getting started, feel free to join us in the MineOnlium Discord! or PM me directly on Discord @ Filth#5858 (439229993625714688)
You can also post in the Github Discussions
Here are a few things you can currently do with tea
- Browse the marketplace.
- Create new orders.
- View acquired Private Keys.
- Remove acquired Private Keys from the local filesystem.
- Interact with the
smart contract to pay for transaction fees, currently set @ 1 GRAMS/ Transaction.
The quickest way to get going with tea
is by executing one of the following commands (Only OSX and Linux is supported at the moment and require git
!!NOTE!! the quickstart
method will point you to a production release of tea
I.E. Mainnet RPC's are used here, unlike the rest of the methods below that are on testnet.
OSX (amd64):
git clone && cd Tea && cd release && open http://localhost:8081 && ./mac
git clone && cd Tea && cd release && xdg-open http://localhost:8081 && ./linux
git clone && cd Tea && cd release && start http://localhost:8081 && windows.exe
Releases can be downloaded from the releases on the right side of the homepage of this repository on github. Or the most current build is always avalible in the release
Start a release by navigating into the /release
folder (either within this repo. or via download) and executing the proper binary for your system.
To start tea
pointing to a local instance of Party
make run
You can now visit http://localhost:8081
to view the interface.
To start tea
pointing to the STAGING instance of Party
make staging
You can now visit http://localhost:8081
to view the interface.
To start tea
pointing to the production instance of Party
make prod
You can now visit http://localhost:8081
to view the interface.
Execute the following to build and bundle the application from source:
make build
Note That make debug
is also avalible, this will build the project and then imediatly start serving a local revision.
As of right now, you need to know the service IP address before building the frontend (this will be fixed in the future).
Edit the
file located atpackages/react-app/.env
with the IP address the service will be deployed to. -
Build tea:
make build
- Build and Push the Docker image:
docker build -t <YourDockerHubUsername>/tea:latest .
docker push <YourDockerHubUsername>/tea:latest
Update the manifest located at
with the image you just pushed. -
Deploy the service:
kubectl apply -f config/0-tea.yaml
Currently teaparty
is being devloped solo. So I am more than happy to accept any and all contributions/issues/requests/input from the community!
Interested? Try:
- Submiting a PR.
- Creating an issue!
- Join the TeaParty Discord.
- PM me on Discord @ Filth#5858 (439229993625714688).
provides an interface for creating new sell requests. It expects an HTTP Post request containing the following JSON schema:
Key | Description |
currency | The asset the seller wishes to post for trade |
amount | The quantity of currency the seller wishes to trade |
tradeAsset | The asset the seller wishes to obtain |
price | The quantity of tradeAsset the seller wishes to obtain |
sellerShippingAddress | An address on the tradeAsset network that the seller wishes to recieve payment on |
paymentTransactionID | The Users Address on the PartyChain that has paid for a TeaParty transaction via the smart contract. |
Example curl request:
curl -v "" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"currency":"kaspa","amount": 10000 ,"tradeAsset":"kaspa","price":10000, "sellerShippingAddress": "kaspa:qqttgqrl38an9r543qnn0g3lywuhsp8cy5e04lfrfsgadnjcdgmsg8zvmjgrj", "paymentTransactionID":"0x5bbfa5724260Cb175cB39b24802A04c3bfe72eb3"}'
provides an interface for listing the avalible orders. It expects an HTTP GET request.
Example curl request:
curl -v "http://localhost:8081/list"
provides an interface for purchasing an open order. It expects an HTTP Post request containing the following JSON schema:
Key | Description |
txid | A Transaction ID for the order in question. |
buyerShippingAddress | An address on the tradeAsset network that the buyer wishes to recieve payment on. |
paymentTransactionID | The Users Address on the PartyChain that has paid for a TeaParty transaction via the smart contract. |
Example curl request:
curl -v "http://localhost:8081/buy" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"txid":"30e16ef3-8ada-453d-adee-bafd242cb91", "buyerShippingAddress":"0x5bbfa5724260Cb175cB39b24802A04c3bfe72eb3","paymentTransactionID":"0x5bbfa5724260Cb175cB39b24802A04c3bfe72eb3"}'
provides an interface for retreving the locally stored Private keys. It expects an HTTP Get request.
Example curl request:
curl -v "http://localhost:8081/getPrivateKeys" \
provides an interface for deleting the locally stored keys. It expects an HTTP Post request containing the following JSON schema:
Key | Description |
address | The public address of the key to delete. |
Example curl request:
curl -v "http://localhost:8081/buy" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"address":"0x5bbfa5724260Cb175cB39b24802A04c3bfe72eb3"}'