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Collect and disseminate information on fee-based Open Access publishing

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The aim of this repository is:

  • to release data sets on fees paid for Open Access journal articles by Universities and Research Society Funds under an Open Database License
  • to demonstrate how reporting on fee-based Open Access publishing can be made more transparent and reproducible across institutions.

At the moment this project provides cost data on 87,427 open access journal articles, amounting to € 171,110,826 and contributed by 249 institutions.

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How to contribute?

Any academic institution or research funder paying for Article Process Charges (APCs) can contribute to OpenAPC, no formal registration is required. This page (German version) explains the details.

Participating German Universities

So far, the following German universities have agreed to share information on paid author processing charges (APC):

Participating Research Society Funds in Germany

Dataset on funds that are supported by research societies under its Open-Access Publishing Programme.

Participating Research Organizations:

The data content covers APCs as paid for by our central budget for the Max Planck Society (MPS). APCs funded locally by Max Planck Institutes are not part of this data set. The MPS has a limited input tax reduction. The refund of input VAT for APC is 20%. Until the end of 2007 the MPS was VAT exempt.

Other German Research Institutions

Participating Austrian Institutions

Participating Swiss Institutions

Participating Italian Institutions

Institutions from Norway:

  • Akershus University Hospital
  • BI Norwegian Business School
  • Bergen University College
  • Fridtjof Nansen Institute
  • GenØk - Centre for Biosafety
  • Harstad University College
  • Innlandet Hospital Trust
  • Institute of Marine Research
  • Molde University College
  • NILU - Norwegian Institute for Air Research
  • Nansen Environmental and Remote Sensing Center
  • Nord University
  • Norwegian Center for Studies on Violence and Traumatic Stress
  • Norwegian Institute for Agricultural and Environmental Research
  • Norwegian Institute for Nature Research
  • Norwegian Institute of Public Health
  • Norwegian Institute of Water Research
  • Norwegian School of Sport Sciences
  • Norwegian University of Life Sciences
  • Norwegian University of Science and Technology
  • Oslo University Hospital
  • Oslo and Akershus university college
  • SINTEF (Foundation for Scientific and Industrial Research)
  • Sørlandet Hospital Trust
  • Uni Research
  • University College of Southeast Norway
  • University of Agder
  • University of Bergen
  • University of Oslo
  • University of Stavanger
  • University of Tromsø - The Arctic University of Norway
  • Vestfold Hospital Trust
  • Vestre Viken Hospital Trust

Participating Spanish Institutions:

Institutions from Sweden (via Open APC Sweden):

  • Chalmers University of Technology
  • Dalarna University
  • Swedish School of Sport and Health Sciences
  • University of Gothenburg
  • University of Borås
  • University of Skövde
  • University West
  • Karlstad University
  • Karolinska Institutet
  • KTH Royal Institute of Technology
  • Linköping University
  • Linnaeus University
  • Luleå University of Technology
  • Lund University
  • Malmö University
  • Örebro University
  • Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
  • Stockholm University
  • Umeå University
  • Uppsala University

Institutions from Finland:

Institutions from France

The Couperin consortium aggregates data on APC expenditures made by institutions in France:

  • Aix-Marseille Université
  • Université d'Angers
  • Université de Bordeaux
  • Université de Bourgogne
  • Centre de coopération internationale en recherche agronomique pour le développement (CIRAD)
  • Centre national de la recherche scientifique (CNRS)
  • Commissariat à l'énergie atomique et aux énergies alternatives (CEA)
  • Ecole normale supérieure de Paris
  • École supérieure de physique et de chimie industrielles de la Ville de Paris (ESPCI)
  • Hospices Civils de Lyon
  • Université Grenoble Alpes
  • Institut de recherche pour le développement (IRD)
  • Institut français des sciences et technologies des transports, de l'aménagement et des réseaux (IFSTTAR)
  • Institut national de recherche en informatique et en automatique (INRIA)
  • Institut national de la recherche agronomique (INRA)
  • Institut national de recherche en sciences et technologies pour l'environnement et l'agriculture (IRSTEA)
  • Institut national de la santé et de la recherche médicale (INSERM)
  • Institut national polytechnique de Toulouse (INPT)
  • MINES ParisTech
  • Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle
  • Université d'Avignon et des Pays de Vaucluse
  • Université de Caen Normandie
  • Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1
  • Université Clermont Auvergne
  • Université Technologique de Compiègne
  • Université Evry Val-d'Essonne
  • Université de Franche-Comté
  • Université de La Rochelle
  • Université Lille 1
  • Université Lille 2
  • Université de Montpellier
  • Université de Lorraine
  • Université de Nantes
  • Université Nice-Sophia-Antipolis
  • Université de Poitiers
  • Université de Rennes 1
  • Université de La Réunion
  • Université de Strasbourg
  • Université de Toulon
  • Université Toulouse III
  • Université Paris Descartes (Paris V)
  • Université Pierre et Marie Curie (Paris VI)
  • Université Paris Diderot (Paris VII)

Participating Institutions from the United Kingdom:

Jisc Collections released data on APC payments made by UK higher education institutions (HEIs):

  • Aberystwyth University
  • Aston University
  • Bangor University
  • Brunel University
  • Cardiff University
  • Cranfield University
  • Edinburgh Napier University
  • Glasgow Caledonian University
  • Goldsmiths
  • Heriot-Watt University
  • Imperial College London
  • Institute of Cancer Research (ICR)
  • Keele University
  • King's College London
  • Leeds Beckett University
  • Liverpool John Moores University
  • Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine
  • London School of Economics (LSE)
  • London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine (LSHTM)
  • Lancaster University
  • Manchester Metropolitan University
  • Northumbria University
  • Plymouth University
  • Queen Mary, University of London
  • Queen's University Belfast
  • Royal Holloway
  • St George's, University of London
  • Swansea University
  • The Open University
  • University College London (UCL)
  • University of Aberdeen
  • University of Bath
  • University of Birmingham
  • University of Bristol
  • University of Cambridge
  • University of Dundee
  • University of Durham
  • University of East Anglia
  • University of Edinburgh
  • University of Exeter
  • University of Glasgow
  • University of Huddersfield
  • University of Hull
  • University of Kent
  • University of Leeds
  • University of Leicester
  • University of Liverpool
  • University of Loughborough
  • University of Manchester
  • University of Newcastle
  • University of Nottingham
  • University of Oxford
  • University of Portsmouth
  • University of Reading
  • University of Salford
  • University of Sheffield
  • University of Southampton
  • University of St Andrews
  • University of Strathclyde
  • University of Surrey
  • University of Sussex
  • University of the West of England
  • University of Ulster
  • University of Warwick
  • University of York

Participating Institutions from the Czech Republic (contributed by CzechELib):

Participating Institutions from Hungary

Participating Institutions from Serbia

Participating Institutions from the United States:

Participating Canadian Institutions:

Participating Institutions from Qatar:

Supranational participants

  • OpenAIRE (FP7 Post-Grant Open Access Pilot)

Data set

Note: The following numbers and plots are always based on the latest revision of the OpenAPC data set. The underlying code can be found in the associated R Markdown template.

This data set contains information on 87,427 open access journal articles being published in fully and hybrid open access journal. Publication fees for these articles were supported financially by 249 research performing institutions and research funders.

In total, publication fee spending covered by the Open APC initiative amounted to € 171,110,826. The average payment was € 1,957 and the median was € 1,758.

View data set on GitHub or take a look at our treemap visualisations.

Spending distribution over fully and hybrid open access journals

period OA articles OA mean OA median OA min - max Hybrid Articles Hybrid mean Hybrid median Hybrid min - max
2005 7 858 871 480 - 1,350 1 2,983 2,983 2,983 - 2,983
2006 52 1,021 1,095 665 - 1,340 NA NA NA NA
2007 88 1,081 1,062 870 - 1,825 NA NA NA NA
2008 205 1,170 1,025 441 - 2,830 1 2,660 2,660 2,660 - 2,660
2009 356 1,181 1,060 125 - 4,386 NA NA NA NA
2010 397 1,261 1,139 159 - 7,419 2 2,401 2,401 2,173 - 2,630
2011 770 1,158 1,127 105 - 4,666 6 1,781 2,085 552 - 2,631
2012 1,534 1,172 1,180 69 - 4,498 19 2,298 2,376 997 - 2,700
2013 2,359 1,230 1,180 50 - 4,574 1,098 2,257 2,260 120 - 4,679
2014 5,082 1,375 1,257 40 - 9,028 6,518 2,238 2,200 132 - 6,000
2015 8,269 1,524 1,452 60 - 5,669 6,684 2,609 2,621 100 - 8,636
2016 9,436 1,638 1,533 63 - 5,985 7,756 2,549 2,512 2 - 9,079
2017 13,422 1,717 1,557 26 - 6,250 9,781 2,517 2,445 37 - 9,858
2018 8,401 1,681 1,605 13 - 12,000 4,330 2,672 2,611 18 - 8,272
2019 768 1,654 1,611 62 - 5,220 85 2,127 2,164 237 - 4,375

Fully Open Access Journals

51,146 articles in the data set were published in fully open access journals. Total spending on publication fees for these articles amounts to € 80,397,760, including value-added tax; the average payment was € 1,572 (median = € 1,484, SD = € 773).

The following table summarises institutional spending on articles published in fully open access journals.

Institution Articles Spending total (in €) Mean (SD) Median Minimum - Maximum
MPG 3,674 4,987,088 1,357 (507) 1,207 69 - 7,419
UCL 2,478 4,176,632 1,685 (887) 1,578 88 - 5,721
Wellcome Trust 2,228 4,594,787 2,062 (1,061) 1,731 240 - 7,183
FWF - Austrian Science Fund 1,797 3,060,336 1,703 (815) 1,566 100 - 7,140
CNRS 1,479 2,367,891 1,601 (827) 1,368 31 - 5,606
Goettingen U 1,326 1,953,026 1,473 (599) 1,468 119 - 4,830
TU Muenchen 1,224 1,663,430 1,359 (457) 1,479 106 - 2,122
Imperial College London 1,003 1,922,059 1,916 (1,024) 1,626 260 - 5,471
Freiburg U 949 1,380,528 1,455 (414) 1,525 50 - 2,501
INSERM 932 1,688,754 1,812 (851) 1,500 200 - 4,650
Erlangen Nuernberg U 919 1,345,913 1,465 (385) 1,542 113 - 2,286
University of Calgary 883 993,318 1,125 (447) 1,145 50 - 4,632
University of Cambridge 877 1,943,729 2,216 (1,184) 1,832 154 - 6,197
Heidelberg U 874 1,316,640 1,506 (383) 1,658 60 - 2,108
University of Oxford 854 1,911,244 2,238 (1,168) 1,927 24 - 5,700
KIT 833 1,136,712 1,365 (509) 1,386 62 - 3,731
Regensburg U 827 1,263,410 1,528 (646) 1,522 77 - 4,582
Wuerzburg U 813 1,162,219 1,430 (464) 1,476 103 - 2,533
Tuebingen U 789 1,114,397 1,412 (414) 1,442 75 - 2,662
University of Birmingham 666 1,145,085 1,719 (786) 1,594 126 - 5,669
Giessen U 655 990,314 1,512 (653) 1,503 81 - 4,582
Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) 644 1,290,397 2,004 (1,153) 1,605 87 - 5,104
Uppsala University 615 964,611 1,568 (727) 1,416 142 - 4,735
FZJ - ZB 569 794,874 1,397 (628) 1,302 40 - 3,850
Bielefeld U 566 755,208 1,334 (420) 1,386 140 - 4,581
Leipzig U 566 834,928 1,475 (355) 1,568 178 - 2,097
Muenchen LMU 558 792,468 1,420 (359) 1,471 402 - 2,123
University of Gothenburg 554 847,167 1,529 (636) 1,409 119 - 4,498
TU Dresden 548 684,661 1,249 (557) 1,386 200 - 2,193
University of Edinburgh 546 1,027,649 1,882 (967) 1,592 210 - 5,484
JGU Mainz 536 767,445 1,432 (511) 1,479 95 - 4,403
OpenAIRE 536 776,905 1,449 (422) 1,411 209 - 2,086
University of Manchester 520 1,050,862 2,021 (956) 1,691 259 - 5,399
Stockholm University 469 715,351 1,525 (759) 1,350 107 - 4,486
Münster U 467 596,568 1,277 (458) 1,230 168 - 2,380
Universitat de Barcelona 464 443,269 955 (472) 899 55 - 2,000
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences 450 595,056 1,322 (443) 1,328 124 - 3,700
King's College London 414 839,133 2,027 (987) 1,625 322 - 5,599
FU Berlin 410 604,491 1,474 (475) 1,570 140 - 2,142
Aix-Marseille Université 406 568,668 1,401 (646) 1,276 114 - 4,550
Bremen U 390 552,016 1,415 (601) 1,345 112 - 4,403
Konstanz U 345 524,743 1,521 (513) 1,506 40 - 4,403
University of Liverpool 329 563,752 1,714 (741) 1,647 223 - 6,250
Oldenburg U 323 435,178 1,347 (524) 1,416 63 - 2,019
Cardiff University 316 561,492 1,777 (837) 1,605 204 - 5,219
Ulm U 314 516,999 1,646 (690) 1,569 260 - 5,447
Bochum U 305 459,765 1,507 (408) 1,576 100 - 2,648
Virginia Tech 304 329,478 1,084 (396) 1,224 112 - 2,484
University of Newcastle 295 597,143 2,024 (1,005) 1,716 360 - 5,985
University of Southampton 278 515,110 1,853 (823) 1,595 133 - 5,343
Stuttgart U 272 342,537 1,259 (600) 1,305 91 - 3,320
Leibniz-Fonds 271 435,042 1,605 (606) 1,572 66 - 4,403
University of Glasgow 268 542,753 2,025 (997) 1,674 205 - 4,613
University of Sheffield 257 456,203 1,775 (1,025) 1,535 132 - 5,492
Linköping University 239 384,347 1,608 (930) 1,413 75 - 12,000
Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin 235 386,319 1,644 (360) 1,656 104 - 2,046
Duisburg-Essen U 235 320,066 1,362 (512) 1,276 238 - 3,700
GFZ-Potsdam 225 306,753 1,363 (839) 1,257 98 - 4,582
Milano U 223 330,483 1,482 (783) 1,495 87 - 4,539
TiHo Hannover 218 315,780 1,449 (515) 1,428 166 - 5,258
University of Oslo 218 339,354 1,557 (541) 1,522 70 - 3,522
Queen's University Belfast 216 350,202 1,621 (716) 1,454 534 - 5,060
Hannover U 214 294,035 1,374 (496) 1,459 124 - 2,159
Bayreuth U 211 255,626 1,211 (489) 1,266 82 - 2,182
KTH Royal Institute of Technology 210 255,437 1,216 (746) 1,181 185 - 3,700
University of Bristol 197 338,408 1,718 (851) 1,601 131 - 5,520
Université de Lorraine 186 221,305 1,190 (665) 1,183 102 - 4,176
University of York 183 322,592 1,763 (936) 1,559 221 - 5,460
University of Tromsø - The Arctic University of Norway 179 252,462 1,410 (415) 1,523 496 - 2,404
University of Turku 178 306,211 1,720 (889) 1,615 62 - 5,220
Frankfurt U 175 302,577 1,729 (734) 1,630 109 - 4,841
Potsdam U 173 253,313 1,464 (416) 1,531 208 - 2,303
University of St Andrews 173 315,343 1,823 (1,073) 1,520 157 - 5,392
Brunel University 171 237,582 1,389 (489) 1,336 220 - 4,333
University of Leeds 166 317,217 1,911 (984) 1,579 332 - 4,475
University of Bergen 156 242,308 1,553 (499) 1,549 333 - 5,142
University of Exeter 154 289,961 1,883 (1,058) 1,532 225 - 5,555
GEOMAR 151 269,463 1,785 (918) 1,490 342 - 4,290
Marburg U 148 240,888 1,628 (439) 1,673 357 - 3,636
UFZ 145 187,249 1,291 (471) 1,270 180 - 2,349
Rostock U 140 183,565 1,311 (489) 1,421 117 - 2,010
Kassel U 130 145,386 1,118 (550) 1,105 65 - 2,440
MDC 127 272,861 2,149 (1,152) 1,936 224 - 4,662
University of Reading 125 196,774 1,574 (642) 1,543 130 - 4,453
INRA 124 202,035 1,629 (641) 1,405 282 - 3,700
Luleå University of Technology 123 138,566 1,127 (414) 1,185 281 - 2,200
Norwegian University of Science and Technology 115 162,119 1,410 (492) 1,420 183 - 3,554
Indiana University - Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) 114 166,599 1,461 (685) 1,362 212 - 4,920
HZDR 113 158,572 1,403 (740) 1,285 236 - 4,000
Oslo University Hospital 111 149,777 1,349 (373) 1,392 232 - 2,725
University of Debrecen 99 151,340 1,529 (788) 1,626 69 - 3,689
TU Chemnitz 98 113,365 1,157 (600) 1,249 78 - 2,123
TU Braunschweig 97 116,277 1,199 (584) 1,232 13 - 2,142
Osnabrück U 95 138,141 1,454 (568) 1,553 173 - 2,608
Université Pierre et Marie Curie (Paris VI) 95 157,421 1,657 (793) 1,483 160 - 4,275
University of Sussex 95 197,788 2,082 (1,195) 1,637 245 - 5,350
Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft Publishing Fund 94 123,235 1,311 (499) 1,323 256 - 3,093
Harvard U 94 82,722 880 (539) 796 75 - 3,139
Örebro University 93 128,190 1,378 (527) 1,350 216 - 2,808
TU Berlin 90 118,840 1,320 (527) 1,382 235 - 2,374
Dortmund TU 82 102,584 1,251 (795) 1,391 107 - 4,403
TU Wien 79 106,006 1,342 (544) 1,333 227 - 2,722
CIRAD 78 119,540 1,533 (552) 1,507 94 - 3,850
INRIA 77 118,761 1,542 (645) 1,538 290 - 3,700
MLU Halle-Wittenberg 77 143,472 1,863 (789) 1,713 405 - 4,582
Commissariat à l'énergie atomique et aux énergies alternatives (CEA) 75 135,506 1,807 (820) 1,538 300 - 4,440
TU Darmstadt 75 92,365 1,232 (575) 1,307 226 - 2,166
University of Warwick 74 146,885 1,985 (1,410) 1,639 442 - 9,028
Université de Bordeaux 71 105,784 1,490 (593) 1,347 433 - 3,700
Salzburg U 67 94,918 1,417 (599) 1,398 180 - 2,792
University of Nottingham 67 123,034 1,836 (804) 1,626 803 - 5,319
Hamburg TUHH 66 93,538 1,417 (486) 1,498 257 - 2,225
Institut de recherche pour le développement (IRD) 65 87,702 1,349 (502) 1,316 91 - 2,256
Lancaster University 65 102,557 1,578 (806) 1,492 256 - 4,470
Norwegian Institute of Public Health 63 84,324 1,338 (259) 1,418 400 - 1,766
University of Agder 62 42,571 687 (421) 536 86 - 2,145
Malmö University 61 71,294 1,169 (417) 1,305 119 - 1,882
University of Chemistry and Technology, Prague 61 70,856 1,162 (560) 1,202 60 - 2,798
Bamberg U 58 64,419 1,111 (579) 1,231 90 - 2,010
University of Bath 58 94,892 1,636 (749) 1,525 113 - 4,186
Northumbria University 57 96,627 1,695 (769) 1,581 144 - 4,335
Swansea University 57 99,199 1,740 (875) 1,419 511 - 4,689
Tampere University 56 79,937 1,427 (492) 1,445 265 - 2,655
TU Ilmenau 55 66,566 1,210 (596) 1,285 68 - 2,400
Norwegian University of Life Sciences 53 72,307 1,364 (298) 1,449 481 - 1,678
Queen Mary, University of London 53 89,135 1,682 (1,041) 1,250 442 - 5,410
University of Leicester 52 86,993 1,673 (711) 1,652 418 - 4,765
Karlstad University 51 57,319 1,124 (474) 1,157 273 - 2,126
Dalarna University 50 70,423 1,408 (550) 1,493 283 - 2,400
Université de Rennes 1 50 64,456 1,289 (506) 1,305 225 - 2,720
University of Durham 50 95,365 1,907 (998) 1,719 225 - 5,219
PIK-Potsdam 48 80,429 1,676 (684) 1,539 309 - 3,850
Université Paris Diderot (Paris VII) 46 75,507 1,641 (841) 1,398 450 - 3,700
LSHTM 44 65,024 1,478 (524) 1,503 496 - 3,445
Université Toulouse III - Paul Sabatier 44 71,556 1,626 (945) 1,348 500 - 4,700
Aberystwyth University 42 88,324 2,103 (1,070) 1,895 664 - 5,893
Université Clermont Auvergne 40 66,154 1,654 (872) 1,350 250 - 3,700
University of Strathclyde 40 63,464 1,587 (849) 1,513 416 - 4,343
University of Dundee 39 83,879 2,151 (955) 1,971 693 - 4,635
Université Lille 2 38 55,024 1,448 (555) 1,351 202 - 2,990
Université de Strasbourg 37 67,942 1,836 (950) 1,600 214 - 4,510
Aston University 36 70,678 1,963 (803) 1,700 713 - 4,845
Oslo and Akershus university college 36 45,728 1,270 (514) 1,252 86 - 2,238
Université Paris Descartes (Paris V) 35 47,757 1,364 (696) 1,301 252 - 3,360
University of Belgrade 34 30,328 892 (383) 858 300 - 1,570
Heriot-Watt University 33 79,717 2,416 (1,042) 2,248 1,130 - 4,408
Université de Caen Normandie 32 41,815 1,307 (462) 1,350 300 - 2,250
Qatar National Library 30 49,771 1,659 (733) 1,411 435 - 3,192
Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1 30 57,493 1,916 (901) 1,723 485 - 4,485
Université de Bourgogne 29 46,606 1,607 (728) 1,534 826 - 4,485
University of East Anglia 29 47,521 1,639 (1,053) 1,535 223 - 4,379
IST Austria 28 72,505 2,589 (1,459) 1,989 562 - 5,412
Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine 27 47,590 1,763 (633) 1,661 614 - 4,046
Rhode Island U 27 27,835 1,031 (533) 1,068 77 - 2,019
Cranfield University 26 40,286 1,549 (624) 1,370 228 - 3,122
Jyväskylä U 26 42,283 1,626 (587) 1,569 265 - 3,016
Plymouth University 26 37,850 1,456 (520) 1,438 333 - 2,716
Trier U 26 40,483 1,557 (328) 1,572 573 - 2,212
University of Aberdeen 26 48,895 1,881 (695) 1,787 985 - 4,556
HU Berlin 24 38,443 1,602 (531) 1,731 400 - 2,061
Lund University 24 32,295 1,346 (541) 1,410 397 - 2,429
Université de Nantes 24 36,474 1,520 (651) 1,495 286 - 3,400
Université de La Réunion 23 32,398 1,409 (696) 1,389 277 - 3,600
Université de Montpellier 22 37,534 1,706 (525) 1,783 352 - 2,400
IRSTEA 21 27,516 1,310 (622) 1,495 300 - 2,175
LSE 21 37,285 1,775 (749) 1,781 496 - 3,000
University of Loughborough 21 31,453 1,498 (771) 1,581 384 - 4,204
Bangor University 20 33,800 1,690 (672) 1,572 429 - 3,025
Institute of Cancer Research 20 43,133 2,157 (1,106) 1,673 1,205 - 5,118
Leibniz-IGB 20 27,570 1,379 (838) 1,096 299 - 3,700
Linnaeus University 20 28,354 1,418 (766) 1,335 225 - 3,631
Keele University 19 31,431 1,654 (395) 1,644 1,048 - 2,459
St George's, University of London 19 36,284 1,910 (702) 1,862 575 - 3,991
Uni Research 19 28,070 1,477 (610) 1,474 731 - 3,685
University College of Southeast Norway 19 19,107 1,006 (584) 907 112 - 2,155
Norwegian Institute for Nature Research 18 23,241 1,291 (390) 1,264 640 - 2,186
Université de Franche-Comté 18 21,696 1,205 (436) 1,184 300 - 2,160
University of Huddersfield 18 27,045 1,502 (407) 1,578 761 - 2,512
Manchester Metropolitan University 17 27,262 1,604 (455) 1,567 461 - 2,423
University of Kent 17 32,253 1,897 (975) 1,555 756 - 4,351
Ecole normale supérieure de Paris 16 35,538 2,221 (1,135) 2,027 339 - 3,700
Greifswald U 15 21,880 1,459 (474) 1,588 390 - 2,023
University of Skövde 15 20,489 1,366 (413) 1,329 836 - 2,277
University of Surrey 15 26,803 1,787 (1,129) 1,349 674 - 4,305
Institute of Marine Research 14 20,153 1,439 (325) 1,404 966 - 2,129
NILU - Norwegian Institute for Air Research 14 20,647 1,475 (487) 1,441 661 - 2,462
Bergen University College 13 19,984 1,537 (511) 1,713 184 - 2,120
IPN - Leibniz Kiel 13 14,201 1,092 (693) 1,092 195 - 2,621
Mannheim U 12 20,618 1,718 (436) 1,971 727 - 2,006
Nord University 12 14,974 1,248 (559) 1,126 101 - 2,045
Royal Holloway 12 20,914 1,743 (904) 1,512 921 - 4,363
TU Clausthal 12 11,023 919 (585) 918 181 - 2,099
Akershus University Hospital 11 15,680 1,425 (402) 1,290 834 - 1,979
Free University of Bozen-Bolzano 11 8,709 792 (647) 561 260 - 2,221
IFSTTAR 11 11,320 1,029 (648) 855 296 - 2,160
Université Lille 1 11 15,099 1,373 (453) 1,266 495 - 2,130
ESPCI Paris 10 18,132 1,813 (1,059) 1,404 761 - 3,700
Goldsmiths 10 14,065 1,406 (426) 1,437 608 - 1,922
Hospices Civils de Lyon 10 16,128 1,613 (463) 1,554 977 - 2,200
Institut national polytechnique de Toulouse 10 12,710 1,271 (527) 1,170 247 - 2,047
Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle 10 13,753 1,375 (411) 1,307 613 - 1,971
Umeå University 10 10,604 1,060 (735) 755 323 - 2,700
Université Nice-Sophia-Antipolis 10 11,552 1,155 (541) 1,305 291 - 1,990
Université Grenoble Alpes 9 10,378 1,153 (463) 1,165 542 - 1,968
University of Hull 9 11,016 1,224 (519) 1,437 617 - 2,016
Karolinska Institutet 8 5,073 634 (215) 755 199 - 755
Leeds Beckett University 8 12,927 1,616 (388) 1,461 1,169 - 2,276
The Open University 8 16,623 2,078 (948) 1,856 1,355 - 4,312
Université d'Angers 8 11,313 1,414 (770) 1,779 300 - 2,116
Swedish School of Sport and Health Sciences 7 11,776 1,682 (534) 1,364 1,343 - 2,637
Université de Poitiers 7 9,691 1,384 (541) 1,099 934 - 2,341
Université de Toulon 7 11,703 1,672 (724) 1,495 1,058 - 3,150
Chalmers University of Technology 6 5,817 970 (444) 1,012 413 - 1,650
Nansen Environmental and Remote Sensing Center 6 5,298 883 (407) 775 582 - 1,655
University of Portsmouth 6 8,489 1,415 (403) 1,303 887 - 1,915
University West 6 4,868 811 (464) 729 272 - 1,677
GenØk - Centre for Biosafety 5 5,295 1,059 (449) 1,109 400 - 1,650
INM - Leibniz-Institut für Neue Materialien 5 5,744 1,149 (560) 1,305 237 - 1,679
Norwegian Center for Studies on Violence and Traumatic Stress 5 4,605 921 (342) 953 563 - 1,362
Sørlandet Hospital Trust 5 8,453 1,691 (413) 1,667 1,194 - 2,337
Université d'Avignon et des Pays de Vaucluse 5 5,930 1,186 (576) 1,350 300 - 1,750
University of the West of England 5 4,902 980 (118) 926 851 - 1,143
BI Norwegian Business School 4 2,761 690 (398) 724 219 - 1,094
Edinburgh Napier University 4 6,222 1,556 (666) 1,297 1,094 - 2,533
Fridtjof Nansen Institute 4 5,062 1,265 (214) 1,303 1,010 - 1,446
TH Wildau 4 3,894 974 (404) 1,057 442 - 1,338
University of Salford 4 5,714 1,429 (657) 1,480 744 - 2,010
University of Ulster 4 4,012 1,003 (407) 919 613 - 1,561
Vestfold Hospital Trust 4 6,134 1,533 (286) 1,532 1,241 - 1,828
Vestre Viken Hospital Trust 4 5,796 1,449 (360) 1,555 931 - 1,754
Glasgow Caledonian University 3 4,732 1,577 (934) 1,867 533 - 2,332
Innlandet Hospital Trust 3 5,174 1,725 (394) 1,917 1,271 - 1,985
Molde University College 3 1,876 625 (257) 584 392 - 900
SINTEF 3 3,633 1,211 (145) 1,176 1,087 - 1,370
Université Technologique de Compiègne 3 2,738 913 (412) 1,055 449 - 1,235
Harstad University College 2 2,024 1,012 (1,310) 1,012 86 - 1,938
Liverpool John Moores University 2 1,815 908 (876) 908 288 - 1,527
Norwegian Institute for Agricultural and Environmental Research 2 2,389 1,194 ( 0) 1,194 1,194 - 1,194
Norwegian Institute of Water Research 2 1,813 906 ( 16) 906 895 - 918
Norwegian School of Sport Sciences 2 1,568 784 (500) 784 431 - 1,137
Université de La Rochelle 2 3,905 1,952 (294) 1,952 1,745 - 2,160
Université Evry Val-d'Essonne 2 4,237 2,118 (1,105) 2,118 1,337 - 2,900
Institut für Arbeitsmarkt- und Berufsforschung 1 1,076 1,076 ( 0) 1,076 1,076 - 1,076
Mines ParisTech 1 1,260 1,260 ( 0) 1,260 1,260 - 1,260
TIB 1 1,619 1,619 ( 0) 1,619 1,619 - 1,619
University of Stavanger 1 709 709 ( 0) 709 709 - 709

Articles published in hybrid open access journals

Hybrid open access journals, which allow articles to be published immediately as open access after a charge was paid, rely on both publication fees and subscriptions as revenue source. This data set covers 36,281 open access articles being published in hybrid journals. Total expenditure amounts to 90,713,066 €. Average fee is 2,500 € and the median 2,454 €.

The following institutions have contributed expenditures on hybrid open access journal articles.

Institution Articles Spending total (in €) Mean (SD) Median Minimum - Maximum
Wellcome Trust 5,019 13,754,983 2,741 (1,017) 2,645 192 - 8,272
UCL 4,202 9,099,882 2,166 (956) 2,034 157 - 5,701
FWF - Austrian Science Fund 4,197 10,385,212 2,474 (842) 2,618 120 - 7,847
University of Cambridge 2,192 6,040,932 2,756 (1,048) 2,659 127 - 6,334
University of Oxford 1,845 5,348,611 2,899 (1,157) 2,679 37 - 9,070
Imperial College London 1,582 4,312,215 2,726 (928) 2,662 134 - 6,511
University of Manchester 1,443 3,544,641 2,456 (985) 2,390 169 - 7,133
King's College London 964 2,579,088 2,675 (1,014) 2,640 272 - 7,438
University of Edinburgh 943 2,439,221 2,587 (1,051) 2,478 183 - 5,624
University of Birmingham 821 2,073,095 2,525 (1,003) 2,484 274 - 8,619
Cardiff University 812 1,984,131 2,444 (890) 2,484 261 - 5,541
University of Sheffield 766 1,859,093 2,427 (986) 2,323 66 - 6,939
University of Glasgow 697 1,823,896 2,617 (1,037) 2,489 187 - 9,858
University of Newcastle 632 1,767,602 2,797 (1,026) 2,649 270 - 7,315
University of Bristol 558 1,348,747 2,417 (880) 2,275 289 - 5,663
University of Liverpool 532 1,269,833 2,387 (828) 2,368 132 - 5,199
Stockholm University 431 970,710 2,252 (885) 2,275 220 - 5,567
University of Gothenburg 378 940,750 2,489 (773) 2,532 246 - 4,743
University of Southampton 375 922,491 2,460 (907) 2,524 109 - 5,627
Uppsala University 361 925,100 2,563 (981) 2,521 99 - 6,204
University of Reading 354 790,836 2,234 (850) 2,278 527 - 6,138
University of York 325 774,034 2,382 (968) 2,327 274 - 5,555
University of Leeds 308 808,066 2,624 (986) 2,631 270 - 6,722
Brunel University 302 645,049 2,136 (1,073) 2,204 234 - 7,649
University of Exeter 296 803,478 2,714 (990) 2,650 337 - 5,813
University of Durham 272 573,557 2,109 (661) 2,089 224 - 3,788
University of Warwick 267 679,743 2,546 (808) 2,574 739 - 5,208
University of Bath 256 586,123 2,290 (869) 2,167 194 - 5,387
University of Loughborough 252 575,385 2,283 (936) 2,233 217 - 4,858
CNRS 250 561,237 2,245 (1,006) 2,200 189 - 6,702
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences 220 520,879 2,368 (598) 2,330 731 - 4,922
University of St Andrews 195 434,501 2,228 (825) 2,147 240 - 5,271
Lancaster University 188 386,186 2,054 (1,002) 1,998 217 - 4,681
KTH Royal Institute of Technology 171 320,662 1,875 (611) 1,848 2 - 3,409
University of Sussex 170 405,532 2,385 (924) 2,339 331 - 5,350
Swansea University 159 407,768 2,565 (826) 2,624 408 - 5,267
University of Strathclyde 153 292,856 1,914 (646) 1,929 99 - 4,012
INSERM 145 339,548 2,342 (984) 2,350 268 - 4,485
University of Nottingham 143 360,389 2,520 (927) 2,583 287 - 5,806
Cranfield University 131 377,858 2,884 (826) 3,231 633 - 4,114
Queen Mary, University of London 130 296,514 2,281 (1,233) 2,024 217 - 9,079
FZJ - ZB 127 261,027 2,055 (797) 2,000 190 - 4,165
University of Turku 122 272,079 2,230 (1,278) 2,140 89 - 6,198
University of Dundee 119 301,349 2,532 (1,156) 2,485 18 - 5,505
University of Leicester 109 275,058 2,523 (1,036) 2,326 685 - 5,414
Aston University 97 214,016 2,206 (804) 2,237 338 - 4,399
LSE 79 157,449 1,993 (864) 1,960 527 - 5,392
LSHTM 79 199,854 2,530 (706) 2,287 1,089 - 4,639
Queen's University Belfast 77 184,209 2,392 (1,254) 2,139 269 - 5,701
Northumbria University 73 171,905 2,355 (1,065) 2,400 570 - 5,294
Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) 73 148,000 2,027 (818) 2,126 247 - 4,452
Linköping University 69 145,038 2,102 (792) 2,132 234 - 4,375
University of East Anglia 68 157,028 2,309 (1,183) 2,091 156 - 5,525
Institute of Cancer Research 67 206,220 3,078 (945) 2,811 1,315 - 5,296
University of Surrey 62 159,829 2,578 (844) 2,463 885 - 5,195
Luleå University of Technology 61 125,485 2,057 (868) 2,260 59 - 3,548
Örebro University 58 118,124 2,037 (722) 2,150 250 - 3,870
GEOMAR 56 134,700 2,405 (684) 2,480 715 - 3,700
IPN - Leibniz Kiel 54 123,170 2,281 (592) 2,388 1,130 - 3,540
University of Huddersfield 48 72,805 1,517 (942) 1,173 501 - 3,666
University of Kent 48 98,224 2,046 (881) 2,026 273 - 3,976
University of Calgary 46 92,407 2,009 (447) 2,183 505 - 2,665
Heriot-Watt University 43 97,858 2,276 (724) 2,297 606 - 3,557
Royal Holloway 43 101,773 2,367 (1,066) 2,173 617 - 5,210
Aix-Marseille Université 42 103,687 2,469 (650) 2,430 450 - 3,780
Karlstad University 42 73,837 1,758 (754) 1,733 174 - 3,445
University of Aberdeen 42 107,370 2,556 (1,183) 2,619 431 - 5,253
Bangor University 40 108,131 2,703 (864) 2,706 535 - 4,168
Dalarna University 40 95,962 2,399 (884) 2,435 205 - 4,679
Lund University 39 77,850 1,996 (635) 2,132 248 - 3,040
MDC 39 110,838 2,842 (1,411) 2,778 491 - 6,296
Milano U 36 74,777 2,077 (936) 2,200 90 - 4,000
Jyväskylä U 31 32,655 1,053 (639) 860 860 - 3,500
Tampere University 30 61,063 2,035 (843) 2,262 237 - 3,500
Plymouth University 27 67,305 2,493 (673) 2,571 1,154 - 3,662
The Open University 27 66,541 2,464 (931) 2,852 274 - 3,467
Aberystwyth University 26 62,923 2,420 (959) 2,593 567 - 3,941
Malmö University 26 51,402 1,977 (955) 1,970 240 - 4,000
Manchester Metropolitan University 26 57,585 2,215 (931) 2,428 376 - 3,481
Keele University 25 65,045 2,602 (356) 2,644 1,953 - 3,239
CIRAD 24 44,290 1,845 (895) 2,200 328 - 3,229
INRA 24 54,829 2,285 (924) 2,316 592 - 4,628
Karolinska Institutet 24 37,567 1,565 (878) 1,774 234 - 3,040
St George's, University of London 23 67,276 2,925 (801) 2,756 621 - 5,208
Umeå University 23 45,340 1,971 (815) 2,132 248 - 3,040
HU Berlin 22 15,929 724 (297) 677 640 - 2,051
GIGA 21 49,204 2,343 (479) 2,463 987 - 3,060
Linnaeus University 19 42,280 2,225 (700) 2,105 947 - 3,404
GFZ-Potsdam 18 44,680 2,482 (913) 2,618 134 - 3,795
Ulm U 18 37,646 2,091 (537) 2,319 1,308 - 2,631
Université Pierre et Marie Curie (Paris VI) 18 39,912 2,217 (692) 2,132 1,208 - 3,480
University of the West of England 17 45,132 2,655 (1,191) 2,744 97 - 4,416
Virginia Tech 17 23,968 1,410 (539) 1,271 633 - 2,337
Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine 15 45,259 3,017 (719) 2,965 1,299 - 4,203
TU Muenchen 15 18,136 1,209 ( 0) 1,209 1,209 - 1,209
University of Debrecen 15 22,732 1,515 (998) 1,147 210 - 3,344
University of Hull 15 41,658 2,777 (615) 2,640 1,912 - 3,997
Université de Lorraine 14 33,419 2,387 (849) 2,640 600 - 3,181
TiHo Hannover 13 29,300 2,254 (1,436) 2,103 267 - 5,093
University of Ulster 13 27,113 2,086 (1,117) 2,236 236 - 3,868
Commissariat à l'énergie atomique et aux énergies alternatives (CEA) 12 28,769 2,397 (919) 2,640 849 - 3,700
Free University of Bozen-Bolzano 12 26,122 2,177 (669) 2,396 927 - 2,915
IST Austria 12 33,408 2,784 (1,278) 2,871 799 - 5,382
University of Skövde 12 23,240 1,937 (428) 1,870 1,470 - 2,651
Institut für Arbeitsmarkt- und Berufsforschung 10 25,816 2,582 (223) 2,618 2,124 - 2,975
MPG 10 9,179 918 (113) 958 727 - 1,034
Duisburg-Essen U 9 23,845 2,649 ( 67) 2,618 2,577 - 2,800
INM - Leibniz-Institut für Neue Materialien 9 27,020 3,002 (740) 3,213 1,785 - 3,861
Université Paris Descartes (Paris V) 9 16,978 1,886 (620) 2,033 740 - 2,641
University of Salford 9 24,338 2,704 (170) 2,710 2,382 - 2,981
Goldsmiths 8 21,665 2,708 (702) 2,636 1,969 - 3,985
Chalmers University of Technology 7 16,723 2,389 (323) 2,429 2,132 - 3,040
HZDR 7 11,538 1,648 (601) 1,755 987 - 2,570
Leibniz-IGB 7 14,513 2,073 (1,098) 2,200 352 - 3,200
INRIA 6 10,941 1,823 (697) 1,865 846 - 2,790
University of Portsmouth 6 13,412 2,235 (751) 2,652 1,193 - 2,785
Hospices Civils de Lyon 5 13,159 2,632 (284) 2,640 2,202 - 3,000
Institut de recherche pour le développement (IRD) 5 6,375 1,275 (1,431) 440 138 - 3,136
Université de Strasbourg 5 14,464 2,893 (799) 3,000 1,950 - 3,714
Université Lille 1 5 14,411 2,882 (418) 2,959 2,200 - 3,348
Université Paris Diderot (Paris VII) 5 7,180 1,436 (142) 1,500 1,215 - 1,560
University of Chemistry and Technology, Prague 5 10,001 2,000 (633) 2,200 1,109 - 2,767
Ecole normale supérieure de Paris 4 17,077 4,269 (3,800) 2,909 1,410 - 9,848
Glasgow Caledonian University 4 13,215 3,304 (414) 3,382 2,771 - 3,680
Hannover U 4 5,824 1,456 (180) 1,398 1,323 - 1,704
Université de Bordeaux 4 8,815 2,204 (607) 2,195 1,676 - 2,750
Université Lille 2 4 12,659 3,165 (1,262) 3,089 1,981 - 4,500
University West 4 8,395 2,099 (245) 2,022 1,906 - 2,443
ESPCI Paris 3 5,574 1,858 (846) 2,160 902 - 2,512
Konstanz U 3 5,556 1,852 (525) 1,950 1,285 - 2,320
Mines ParisTech 3 7,657 2,552 (580) 2,500 2,000 - 3,157
Swedish School of Sport and Health Sciences 3 7,110 2,370 (508) 2,500 1,810 - 2,800
TU Clausthal 3 7,082 2,361 (349) 2,500 1,964 - 2,618
Université Toulouse III - Paul Sabatier 3 8,000 2,667 (306) 2,600 2,400 - 3,000
FU Berlin 2 3,285 1,643 (201) 1,643 1,500 - 1,785
GenØk - Centre for Biosafety 2 3,650 1,825 (371) 1,825 1,563 - 2,087
Indiana University - Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) 2 3,019 1,509 (136) 1,509 1,413 - 1,605
Leeds Beckett University 2 4,288 2,144 (370) 2,144 1,882 - 2,406
Liverpool John Moores University 2 6,793 3,396 (368) 3,396 3,136 - 3,656
Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle 2 5,003 2,502 ( 31) 2,502 2,480 - 2,523
Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1 2 5,060 2,530 (926) 2,530 1,875 - 3,185
Université Clermont Auvergne 2 2,702 1,351 (1,134) 1,351 549 - 2,153
Université de Nantes 2 6,191 3,096 (572) 3,096 2,691 - 3,500
Université de Poitiers 2 3,836 1,918 (545) 1,918 1,532 - 2,303
Université de Rennes 1 2 1,310 655 (629) 655 210 - 1,100
Weierstrass Institute for Applied Analysis and Stochastics 2 4,870 2,435 (332) 2,435 2,200 - 2,670
Bergen University College 1 503 503 ( 0) 503 503 - 503
Dortmund TU 1 1,581 1,581 ( 0) 1,581 1,581 - 1,581
Edinburgh Napier University 1 3,155 3,155 ( 0) 3,155 3,155 - 3,155
Erlangen Nuernberg U 1 1,638 1,638 ( 0) 1,638 1,638 - 1,638
JGU Mainz 1 1,792 1,792 ( 0) 1,792 1,792 - 1,792
KIT 1 2,000 2,000 ( 0) 2,000 2,000 - 2,000
OpenAIRE 1 2,000 2,000 ( 0) 2,000 2,000 - 2,000
PIK-Potsdam 1 2,150 2,150 ( 0) 2,150 2,150 - 2,150
Salzburg U 1 2,396 2,396 ( 0) 2,396 2,396 - 2,396
TU Chemnitz 1 100 100 ( 0) 100 100 - 100
Université de Bourgogne 1 1,950 1,950 ( 0) 1,950 1,950 - 1,950
Université de Caen Normandie 1 750 750 ( 0) 750 750 - 750
Université de Franche-Comté 1 307 307 ( 0) 307 307 - 307
Université de La Réunion 1 2,730 2,730 ( 0) 2,730 2,730 - 2,730
Université de Montpellier 1 3,583 3,583 ( 0) 3,583 3,583 - 3,583
Université de Toulon 1 1,378 1,378 ( 0) 1,378 1,378 - 1,378
Université Grenoble Alpes 1 350 350 ( 0) 350 350 - 350
Université Nice-Sophia-Antipolis 1 2,000 2,000 ( 0) 2,000 2,000 - 2,000
University of Borås 1 1,950 1,950 ( 0) 1,950 1,950 - 1,950

Use of external sources

Metadata representing journals or publishers were obtained from Crossref in order to avoid extensive validation of the records. Case where we don't re-use information from Crossref to disambiguate the spending metadata are documented here. Moreover, indexing coverage in Europe PMC and the Web of science is automatically checked.

Source Variable Description
CrossRef publisher Title of Publisher
CrossRef journal_full_title Full Title of Journal
CrossRef issn International Standard Serial Numbers (collapsed)
CrossRef issn_print ISSN print
CrossRef issn_electronic ISSN electronic
CrossRef license_ref License of the article
CrossRef indexed_in_crossref Is the article metadata registered with CrossRef? (logical)
EuropePMC pmid PubMed ID
EuropePMC pmcid PubMed Central ID
Web of Science ut Web of Science record ID
DOAJ doaj Is the journal indexed in the DOAJ? (logical)

Indexing coverage

Identifier Coverage
DOI 99.81%
PubMed ID 77.47%
PubMed Central ID 70.97%
Web of Science record ID 94.46%


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Bielefeld University Library archives a copy (including commit history). To cite:

{Contributors:} Datasets on fee-based Open Access publishing across German Institutions. Bielefeld University. 10.4119/UNIBI/UB.2014.18


This project was set up in collaboration with the DINI working group Electronic Publishing. It follows Wellcome Trust example to share data on paid APCs and recognises efforts from JISC and the ESAC initative to standardise APC reporting.


Jens Harald Aasheim, Benjamin Ahlborn, Chelsea Ambler, Magdalena Andrae, Jochen Apel, Hans-Georg Becker, Roland Bertelmann, Daniel Beucke, Peter Blume, Ute Blumtritt, Sabine Boccalini, Stefanie Bollin, Kim Braun, Christoph Broschinski, Paolo Buoso, Cliff Buschhart, Dorothea Busjahn, Pablo de Castro, Roberto Cozatl, Amanda Cullin, Patrick Danowski, Gernot Deinzer, Julia Dickel, Andrea Dorner, Stefan Drößler, Karin Eckert, Carsten Elsner, Clemens Engelhardt, Katrin Falkenstein-Feldhoff, Inken Feldsien-Sudhaus, Silke Frank, Fabian Franke, Claudia Frick, Marléne Friedrich, Paola Galimberti, Agnes Geißelmann, Kai Karin Geschuhn, Steffi Grimm, Ute Grimmel-Holzwarth, Evgenia Grishina, Christian Gutknecht, Uli Hahn, Kristina Hanig, Margit L. Hartung, Dominik Hell, Ulrich Herb, Stephanie Herzog, Kathrin Höhner, Christie Hurrell, Arto Ikonen, Doris Jaeger, Najko Jahn, Alexandra Jobmann, Nadja Kalinna, Mirjam Kant, Andreas Kennecke, Robert Kiley, Ilka Kleinod, Lydia Koglin, Biljana Kosanovic, Stephanie Kroiß, Gerrit Kuehle, Ignasi Labastida i Juan, Gerald Langhanke, Inga Larres, Stuart Lawson, Sari Leppänen, Camilla Lindelöw, Kathrin Lucht-Roussel, Jan Lüth, Frank Lützenkirchen, Steffen Malo, Anna Marini, Manuel Moch, Anja Oberländer, Jere Odell, Linda Ohrtmann, Vitali Peil, Gabriele Pendorf, Mikko Pennanen, Dirk Pieper, Tobias Pohlmann, Thomas Porquet, Markus Putnings, Andrée Rathemacher, Edith Reschke, Katharina Rieck, Friedrich Riedel, Florian Ruckelshausen, Ilka Rudolf, Annette Scheiner, Michael Schlachter, Birgit Schlegel, Barbara Schmidt, Stefanie Seeh, Barbara Senkbeil-Stoffels, Adriana Sikora, Susanne Stemmler, Matti Stöhr, Eva Stopková, Kálmán Szőke, Linda Thomas, Johanna Tönsing, Marco Tullney, Milan Vasiljevic, Astrid Vieler, Viola Voß, Roland Wagner, Marco Winkler, Sabine Witt, Michael Wohlgemuth, Philip Young, Philipp Zumstein


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