This is a standalone web interface for XBMC which allows users to browse the library and download or stream the movies and TV shows in it.
- Browse and filter movies and TV shows
- Browse seasons and episodes for a TV show
- Stream media using an M3U playlist with one click
- User management (application requires login), including logging to see who's doing what and restricting access based on a whitelist
- Supports multiple XBMC instances and allows easy switching between them, including the ability to suspend instances and wake them using WOL
- No configuration files
- Multiple languages
- Customizable interface
- PHP >= 5.5
- allow_url_fopen = On in php.ini
- Apache with .htaccess support enabled
- XBMC 12 "Frodo" or newer
The project's wiki pages contain everything you need to know about installing, configuring and using this application.
- XBMC (
- Yii framework (
- Yiistrap (
- Yii-less (
- yii-consoletools (
- Imagine (
- phpass ( (
- Zend framework (
- mobiledetectlib ( and gavroche/browser (
- jsonmapper (
- Bootswatch (
- Font Awesome (
- jQuery Unveil (
- typeahead.js (
- phpwol (
This software is licensed under the GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 3.
The bundled font is Copyright (c) 2010-2014 by tyPoland Lukasz Dziedzic ([email protected]) with Reserved Font Name "Lato"