My name is Jake Kaad. I am a student at Epicodus in Portland, Oregon.
This is my first javascript assessment for Epicodus
Please download all files. Open the html doc in your internet browser. You can then enter a different length in each of the 3 forms.
The logic will execute calculating whether or not the 3 sides make a triangle. It will also determine what kind of triangle you have created. In the results display, you will have a nice sentence declaring what kind of triangle you have, and draw an approximation of your triangle in using a SVG Polygon.
- I am still working my way through simple Javascript, but I am feeling much more comfortable.
- Its been years since geometry, I had to remember things like the pythagoream therum and the laws of inequality
- Likewise, I hadn't used an x/y coordinate for awhile. It took me awhile to get my triangle points down so it at least kinda looked like the triangle entered.
- html continues to be a weakness of mine. I am starting to get the hang of it, but even simple pages like these provide some challenge
- Note: The triangles generated in the SVG diagram are not accurate. I spent about 2 hours trying to reverse engineer the pythagoream theorum to no avail. So we are left with this approximation for now. I will consult with my engineering friends and try to get it fixed.