Bling Bling 🐙
These are my dotfiles that I use for development. Mainly, they are a new bash prompt and a long vimrc with a nice install script.
Uh, I cant be sure. I know these ones:
- meslo for poweline should be your font in your terminal:
- I use iTerm on osx, so maybe best results with it?
- Install the solarized theme for your terminal?
Just clone and run ./install. Maybe it will work? You will get a prompt to compile YouCompleteMe, do it the first time you run install.
A nice long .vimrc that was partially stolen (and heavily modified) from somewhere (thoughtbot?)
- Lots of plugins, at the top of the file
window navigation- Leader is comma
to change tabs- airline, autocompletes, c++ and c# completion too.
- rails and ruby are my main environments, so they are well supported.
- airline
- mouse scrolling
- Git completions
- Nice looking prompt.
- Aliases for bundle, rails, git, etc...