A command line tool that builds an inverted index on a folder with .txt files and allows for the execution of efficient searches on it.
A custom in-memory index was built with two Scala Collections:
- A mutable indexed sequence whose values are file paths and whose indices represent document IDs. This collection was chosen for its constant-time lookup.
- A mutable Hash Map for efficient lookups and updates. Its keys represent words and its values represent Hash Sets of document Ids. Document IDs are stored instead of Paths to reduce memory requirements.
By default, an index directory will be created on the current directory if no -i
is specified. This solution builds the inverted index on the file system rather than having it in memory. To use this
indexer, use the following option: -n Lucene
├── main
│ ├── resources
│ │ └── logging.properties
│ └── scala
│ └── AdeIndexer
│ ├── cli
│ │ └── ArgParser.scala
│ ├── config
│ │ ├── ArgParser.scala
│ │ └── Indexer.scala
│ ├── exceptions
│ │ └── CustomExceptions.scala
│ ├── indexer
│ │ ├── custom
│ │ │ ├── CustomIndexer.scala
│ │ │ └── CustomSearcher.scala
│ │ ├── lucene
│ │ │ ├── CountSimilarity.scala
│ │ │ ├── LuceneIndexer.scala
│ │ │ └── LuceneSearcher.scala
│ │ ├── SearcherBase.scala
│ │ └── SearcherFactory.scala
│ ├── logging
│ │ └── LoggerUtils.scala
│ ├── Main.scala
│ ├── postprocessing
│ │ └── Scaler.scala
│ └── repl
│ └── IndexingRepl.scala
└── test
├── resources
│ ├── names2.txt
│ ├── names3.txt
│ ├── names.txt
│ └── something_else.yaml
└── scala
└── AdeIndexer
└── indexer
├── custom
│ ├── CustomIndexerSuite.scala
│ └── CustomSearcherSuite.scala
└── lucene
├── CountSimilaritySuite.scala
├── LuceneIndexSuite.scala
└── LuceneSearcherSuite.scala
- openjdk version "17"
- Maven 3.8.1
- Developed with IntelliJ
Use the parameter -Djava.util.logging.config.file=src/main/resources/logging.properties
with java to use a FINE logging level.
java -Djava.util.logging.config.file=src/main/resources/logging.properties -jar ./target/adeindexer-0.0.2-SNAPSHOT.jar --help
The following should appear:
AdeIndexer 0.0.2
Usage: AdeIndexer [options]
-d, --directory <value> d is the path to a directory with files that will be indexed.
-i, --index-directory <value>
i is the path to a directory where the index will be stored
-n, --name-indexer <value>
n is the name of the indexer that will be used. Options: Lucene, Custom
-q, --query <value> q is the query
--help prints this usage text
java -Djava.util.logging.config.file=src/main/resources/logging.properties \
-jar ./target/adeindexer-0.0.2-SNAPSHOT.jar \
-d src/test/resources/ \
-q "Georvic Victoria"
Something like the following should appear:
Map(/home/georvic/repos/infra/AdeIndexer/src/test/resources/names.txt -> 100.0, /home/georvic/repos/infra/AdeIndexer/src/test/resources/names2.txt -> 33.333336, /home/georvic/repos/infra/AdeIndexer/src/test/resources/names3.txt -> 0.0)
java -Djava.util.logging.config.file=src/main/resources/logging.properties \
-jar ./target/adeindexer-0.0.2-SNAPSHOT.jar \
-d src/test/resources/
Something like the following should appear:
Hello, welcome to the AdeIndexer!
To search for ocurrences of any set of words, just enter them separated by a space.
For Example:
search> Deutschland Frankreich
You can use the following commands: :quit, :help
Introduce your queries like this and press enter:
search> Georvic Victoria
Something like the following should appear:
Map(/home/georvic/repos/infra/AdeIndexer/src/test/resources/names.txt -> 100.0, /home/georvic/repos/infra/AdeIndexer/src/test/resources/names2.txt -> 33.333336, /home/georvic/repos/infra/AdeIndexer/src/test/resources/names3.txt -> 0.0)
- Shaded Jars: https://cloud.google.com/dataproc/docs/guides/manage-spark-dependencies?hl=en
- Lucene:
- Utility function from here to print/log case classes: https://gist.github.com/carymrobbins/7b8ed52cd6ea186dbdf8
- I did some research first on similar projects: https://github.com/PointerFLY/Lucene-Example/tree/master/src/main/java