Official IndiePitcher SDK for Swift language.
Provides a type safe layer on top IndiePitcher's public REST API.
SDK documentation can be found here.
The SDK is designed to work with any framework built on top of Swift Nio - Vapor, Hummingbird, or AWS Lamda is supported.
- Add the dependency to your
.package(url: "", from: "1.0.0"),
- Add IndiePitcher to appropriate target(s) of your project
.product(name: "IndiePitcherSwift", package: "indiepitcher-swift")
You can also use the CLI instead
swift package add-dependency --from 1.0.0
swift package add-target-dependency IndiePitcherSwift --package indiepitcher-swift MyTarget
Using the SDK:
- First, you need to get an API key. Go to the IndiePitcher dashboard, create a project, and generate a public API key.
- Add the key to your
file. Following examples will assume that you've added the key underIP_SECRET_API_KEY
Create a new file, something like Application+IndiePitcher.swift
and paste in following code
import Vapor
import IndiePitcherSwift
extension Request {
var indiePitcher: IndiePitcher {
guard let apiKey = Environment.get("IP_V2_SECRET_API_KEY") else {
fatalError("IP_V2_SECRET_API_KEY env key missing")
return .init(client: application.http.client.shared, apiKey: apiKey)
extension Application {
var indiePitcher: IndiePitcher {
guard let apiKey = Environment.get("IP_V2_SECRET_API_KEY") else {
fatalError("IP_V2_SECRET_API_KEY env key missing")
return .init(client: http.client.shared, apiKey: apiKey)
This will give you easy access to the SDK methods using application
and request
app.get { req async in
let emailBody = """
This is a sample body that supports **markdown**. HTML is also supported.
try await indiePitcher.sendEmail(
data: .init(
to: "[email protected]", subject: "Hello from Vapor!", body: emailBody,
bodyFormat: .markdown))
return "ok"
See the full example repository.
public func buildApplication(_ arguments: some AppArguments) async throws
-> some ApplicationProtocol
let environment = try await Environment().merging(with: .dotEnv())
let logger = {
var logger = Logger(label: "HummingbirdExample")
logger.logLevel =
arguments.logLevel ?? environment.get("LOG_LEVEL").flatMap {
Logger.Level(rawValue: $0)
} ?? .info
return logger
guard let apiKey = environment.get("INDIEPITCHER_SECRET_KEY") else {
preconditionFailure("Requires \"INDIEPITCHER_SECRET_KEY\" environment variable")
let indiePitcher = IndiePitcher(apiKey: apiKey)
let router = buildRouter(indiePitcher: indiePitcher)
let app = Application(
router: router,
configuration: .init(
address: .hostname(arguments.hostname, port: arguments.port),
serverName: "HummingbirdExample"
logger: logger
return app
See the full example repository.
This is how you can send an email from within an AWS Lambda function. See the full example repository.
struct MyLambda: SimpleLambdaHandler {
private let indiePitcherApiKey = "sc_xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
func handle(_ event: String, context: LambdaContext) async throws -> String {
let indiePitcher = IndiePitcher(apiKey: indiePitcherApiKey)
let emailBody = """
This is an email sent from a **AWS Lambda function**!
try await indiePitcher.sendEmail(
data: .init(
to: "[email protected]", subject: "Hello from AWS Lambda!", body: emailBody,
bodyFormat: .markdown))
return "Email sent!"