Thanks for your interest in using the Data Compass software, which is part of IREX's Data Compass tool. The Data Compass tool helps teams and organizations improve their strategic use of data. As part of that tool, this software helps them survey and analyze how data flows between actors in a system. This software source code is made available under an Affero General Public License, and you're invited to modify and use it for your needs.
If you would like to use the software without deploying it yourself, please contact IREX for a license to use their readily available software. IREX is a global development and education organization. Please contact [email protected] with inquiries.
This project is based on Python with Django framework, Postgresql database and Webpack for frontend assets management.
PostgreSQL is used as a primary database engine.
On ubuntu or Debian based system to install and start Postgresql you can run something like
sudo apt update
sudo apt install postgresql postgresql-contrib libpq-dev
sudo service postgresql start
After installing Postgresql, you will need to initialize the database.
Login as Postgresql admin user (postgres)
sudo su -l postgres
While logged in as postgres create the project database
createdb datacompass
Connect to the database shell
psql datacompass
While you are in the database shell create the database user and grant appropriate privileges to the user.
CREATE USER datacompass WITH PASSWORD 'datacompass';
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE datacompass TO datacompass;
When running tests locally against postgresql database, you should allow the database user to have the CREATEDB role.
CREATE USER datacompass WITH PASSWORD 'datacompass';
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE datacompass TO datacompass;
Logout as postgres user
You may use any database name, user name or password, just Make sure you keep the credentials because you will need them later in your project configuration.
Install Python development header files (python-dev) and Python package Installer pip
sudo apt install python3-dev python3-pip libz-dev libjpeg-dev libfreetype6-dev
It is recommended to isolate project dependencies in order to avoid potential dependency conflicts. One of the simplest ways to achieve that is by using Python virtual environments.
For development installation you may optionally use Virtualenvwrapper for convenience.
You can create a virtual environment for the project using any of your favorite tools.
Download the source code
git clone
Go to project root
cd data-compass
make sure your python virtual environment is active then use pip to install project requirements.
pip install -r requirements/development.txt
Change your project settings according to your requirements.
Example; to enable debug mode
# .env file
Project setting which can modified using
- using system environment variables
- using environment variables written in
file at the project root
To check if things are OK run
./ check
Create database tables
./ migrate
Create a superuser for admin access
./ createsuperuser
NOTE: When you are executing ...
commands make sure the vertualenv is active.
Django comes with an inbuilt server which can be used during development. You shouldn't be using this server on production sites.
To start the development server go to your project root directory run
./ runserver
The most frontend Javascript, CSS (SaSS) and static images for UI files are managed using Webpack.
If you want to modify frontend assets; Install relevant dependencies using
npm install
To build static bundles which could be served in production run
npm run build
To build for development with live updates preview run
npm run watch
To run unit tests make sure you database user has permission to create a database. On your database shell, You can give your user permission to create database executing something like:
To run all tests against multiple versions of Django and Python, use tox
To run basic unit tests
./ test
To check Python coding style, use flake8
To automatically sort imports, use isort
isort -rc .
The project uses Sphinx for managing and compiling documentation.
To build the HTML documentation, Install documentation dependencies:
pip install -r requirements/docs.txt
Build the documentation:
make docs
The HTML docs will be created in docs/_build/html/
Data Compas can be deployed using any standard Django deployment. For more information on Django deployment please look for the available resources on the Internet including