An interface to convert odML structures to and from table-like representations, such as spreadsheets.
odMLtables provides a set of functions to simplify the setup, maintenance and usage of a metadata management structure using odML. In addition to the Python API, odMLtables provides its main functionality also via a graphical user interface.
odMLtables is based on odML. A complete list of dependencies is available in the odMLtables documentation at Read the Docs.
Official release versions are available at the Python Package Index and can be installed using pip:
$ pip install odmltables
The graphical user interface can be installed using:
$ pip install odmltables[gui]
To install the latest version of odMLtables you first need to download the odMLtables source files and install it in a second step.
The latest version of odMLtables is available on GitHub. You can either use git and download odMLtables directly under Linux using:
$ cd /home/usr/toolbox/ $ git clone
or alternatively download odMLtables as ZIP file and unzip it to a folder.
The odMLtables documentation is available on Read the Docs. It is based on Sphinx and also locally be built in multiple formats. E.g., to access the documentation in html format navigate to the documentation folder within odMLtables and compile the html documentation:
$ cd /home/usr/toolbox/python-odmltables/doc $ make html
All output format available can be listed using:
$ make -n
Installation guidelines are available in the official odMLtables documentation Read the Docs.
If you observe a bug in odMLtables please add a bug report at the GitHub issue tracker