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Repository containing the code necessary to reproduce the results of the Neuroelectrophysiology Analysis Ontology manuscript


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Neuroelectrophysiology Analysis Ontology Use Case

Repository containing the code necessary to reproduce the results of the Neuroelectrophysiology Analysis Ontology (NEAO) manuscript.

Keywords: electrophysiology, data analysis, neuroscience, knowledge graph, FAIR, ontology, OWL, Python, SPARQL

Table of contents


Clone the repository to a local folder

This repository must be cloned to a local folder. This can be done using the git CLI client:

git clone


To run the analyses, the public experimental datasets availabe at must be downloaded.

The scripts use the datasets in the NIX format, without the full (30 kHz) bandwidth neural signal. The file used in the analyses with experimental data is i140703-001_no_raw.nix that can be directly downloaded here. You can also follow the instructions on the GIN repository to download the files to a local repository folder using the gin client.

The NIX file must be downloaded/copied into the folder /data with respect to the root of this repository. This allows running the analyses using the bash script provided. If the data was downloaded using the gin client, a symbolic link can be created to the path where the GIN repository was cloned in your system (subfolder datasets_nix):

ln -s /path/to/multielectrode_grasp/datasets_nix ./data



Project requires Python 3.9 and the following packages:

  • scipy
  • numpy
  • matplotlib
  • nixio
  • neo
  • elephant
  • viziphant
  • odml
  • alpaca-prov
  • multipledispatch
  • gastrodon
  • pytest (only if running the code tests)

The code was run using Ubuntu 18.04.6 LTS 64-bit and conda 22.9.0. To run the GraphDB triple store used in this project, a graphical operating system or a working Java installation is needed.

The amount of free memory that must be available in the system is ~6.5 GB. The amount of disk space to create the triple store repository and generate all output files is ~2.2 GB. Code was run on a machine with 16 GB of RAM and 1 TB disk size.


The environment can be created using conda with the template in the /environment folder. For instructions on how to install conda in your system, please check the conda documentation.

For convenience, the environment can be created using a bash script (this rewrites existing versions of the environment):



curl is needed to fetch ontologies using URLs. If it is not available in the system, it can be installed using a package manager:

sudo apt-get install curl

GraphDB Free

The use case describes how to query the provenance information structured in RDF files and annotated with the NEAO. To integrate the provenance captured by Alpaca during the execution of each analysis script and execute SPARQL queries, a triple store must be available. This work used the Ontotext GraphDB Free edition (version 10.1.0, with RDF4J 4.2.0).

GraphDB Free needs to be installed locally in your system. To download and install, follow the instructions on

To import data, GraphDB must have access to a writable folder. In Ubuntu, this is usually $HOME\.graphdb (more details here). To make sure that the application points to the correct folder, a GraphDB configuration file is provided in /code/triple_store/config/ and can be copied to replace the default file in the GraphDB configuration folder. In Ubuntu, the default file is /opt/graphdb-desktop/lib/app/conf/ The script is provided in /code/triple_store/ to copy the configuration file provided to replace the GraphDB default (it will ask for the administrator password):

cd code/triple_store

In Ubuntu, the graphdb-desktop launch application is located in /opt/graphdb-desktop/bin/graphdb-desktop by default. If installing to a different location, the bash scripts need to be modified in order to run the analyses (details below). Also, the application uses a GUI, therefore it will not run in command-line only environments.

Code repository

The code is organized into subfolders inside the /code folder:

  • analyses: set of analyses implemented to demonstrate the use of NEAO. Provenance is tracked with Alpaca, and annotated with NEAO classes. Three main analyses are implemented, each in an additional subfolder:
    • isi_histograms: generation of artificial spike trains using either a stationary Poisson or stationary Gamma process, and plotting the interspike interval histogram and CV2. The analysis code is in
    • psd_by_trial: from the Reach2Grasp dataset, plot the power spectral density (PSD) of each trial in the session, using different method/package combinations: Welch method implemented in Elephant (elephant_welch), multitaper method implemented in Elephant (elephant_multitaper), or Welch method implemented in SciPy (scipy). The analysis code is in inside each folder.
    • surrogate_isih: from the Reach2Grasp dataset, plot the intesrpike interval histogram of selected units during correct trials in the session. Compute surrogate spike trains using different methods, and plot the mean and standard deviation of the interspike interval histograms obtained from the surrogates. The spike train surrogate generation methods are uniform spike time dithering (surrogate_1) and trial shifting (surrogate_2). The analysis code is in inside each folder.
  • manuscript_tables: code to read the query results saved as CSV files, and produce the tables presented in the manuscript. Each table_*.py generates one manuscript table (split into several text files, each containing a sub table). Utility code shared among all scripts to format the results is in
  • neao_mapping: a set of SPARQL queries to insert additional triples in the triple store to map provenance information structured by Alpaca into the NEAO ontology model. insert_neao_steps.sparql adds the main relationships, insert_neao_implementation.sparql adds the relationships describing the implementation code of functions, and insert_container_outputs.sparql adds triples for function outputs stored inside collections.
  • queries: SPARQL queries for each question regarding the analysis, which are presented in the manuscript. Each query will generate a CSV file with the raw output of the query.
  • triple_store: Python interface to a local GraphDB triple store. For, details, check the specific file in \code\triple_store\
  • implements a decorator used by all analysis scripts to insert ontology annotations into the functions used by the script.

How to run

Activate the environment

conda activate neao_use_case

Check GraphDB installation (optional)

If you wish to check if GraphDB was installed properly and the triple store is accessible, a small test suite is provided in Python and can be run using pytest. This is located in the /code/triple_store/test folder.

For convenience, a bash script is provided. It will instantiate the GraphDB server, perform the tests, clean the test repositories, and close the application:

cd code/triple_store

If all five tests pass, GraphDB and the Python interface implemented for this project are working properly.

Running the analyses

The first step is to execute the different Python scripts that implement some analyses of electrophysiology data (/code/analyses subfolder). A bash script runs all the scripts (3 examples for PSD, 2 examples for surrogates and the ISI histograms of artificial data), and outputs the files to the /outputs/analyses folder, with respect to the root of this repository:


Inserting provenance data and ontology definitions into GraphDB

Once the analyses are run, provenance information is saved as TTL files together with the plots. This needs to be imported into GraphDB to be able to query the information using SPARQL. A bash script is implemented to perform this automatically:


Executing the SPARQL queries and generating manuscript tables

After the data is imported, a bash script will run all SPARQL queries to address questions regarding the analysis and demonstrate the use of the NEAO.

This is accomplished in two steps:

  1. Queries from individual SPARQL files (in /code/queries) are executed, generating CSV files with the raw query output. The CSV outputs are stored in the /outputs/query_results folder. This is accomplished by the ./ script. By default, GraphDB is instantiated and closed automatically. This can be avoided by using the running argument: ./ running.

  2. Query outputs are transformed into visualization tables and formatted as LaTeX text files. These are the tables that are published in the manuscript. They are stored in the /outputs/manuscript_tables folder. This is accomplished by the ./ script.

For convenience, the whole process can be accomplished by running a single bash script:



After running the scripts above, a folder \outputs will be present with all the outputs. The files used for the manuscript are included in the Zenodo archive release, together with the code in this repository.


The \outputs\analyses folder contains the outputs from the scripts in \code\analyses. The outputs are separated by sub folders:

  • isi_histograms: outputs from the analysis in \code\analyses\isi_histograms. Files from 1.png to 100.png are generated by a stationary Poisson process, and from 101.png to 200.png by a stationary Gamma process.
  • reach2grasp: groups the outputs of all analyses that utilized the Reach2Grasp dataset. As several implementations of an analysis exist, the output of each implementation is collected into a different sub folder:
    • psd_by_trial: output from \code\analyses\psd_by_trial\elephant_welch
    • psd_by_trial_2: output from \code\analyses\psd_by_trial\elephant_multitaper
    • psd_by_trial_3: output from \code\analyses\psd_by_trial\scipy
    • surrogate_isih_1: output from \code\analyses\surrogate_isih\surrogate_1
    • surrogate_isih_2: output from \code\analyses\surrogate_isih\surrogate_2

Each output folder contains the plots generated by the analysis (as PNG files), together with the provenance information stored in Turtle format (*.ttl files).

For each main output folder in reach2grasp, the plots and provenance files are stored inside a folder named after the Reach2Grasp experimental session used (i140703-001).

For the outputs in psd_by_trial*, the plot files are named with the trial number (i.e., 138.png is the plot for trial with ID 138 in the session).

For the outputs in surrogate_isih*, the plot files are named with the SUA unit ID in the session dataset (i.e., Unit [ID].png).

Raw SPARQL query outputs

The \outputs\query_results folder contains the outputs from the SPARQL queries in \code\queries. The execution of each *.sparql file generates a CSV file stored with the same name as the query file + _raw (e.g., steps.sparql --> steps_raw.csv).


The \outputs\manuscript_tables folder contains the text files with the LaTeX code for the tables presented in the manuscript, generated by the scripts in \code\manuscript_tables. As the tables are composed by several sub tables, each script generates a separate TXT file. The files are named as the script file + the letter of the specific sub table (e.g., --> table_steps_A.txt, table_steps_B.txt).


The details of the Python and package version information are stored in the /outputs/logs/environment.txt file.

Details about the GraphDB server and GraphDB logs are stored in the /outputs/logs folder.


This work was performed as part of the Helmholtz School for Data Science in Life, Earth and Energy (HDS-LEE) and received funding from the Helmholtz Association of German Research Centres. This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Framework Programme for Research and Innovation under Specific Grant Agreements No. 785907 (Human Brain Project SGA2) and 945539 (Human Brain Project SGA3), and by the Helmholtz Association Initiative and Networking Fund under project number ZT-I-0003.


BSD 3-Clause License


Repository containing the code necessary to reproduce the results of the Neuroelectrophysiology Analysis Ontology manuscript







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