Releases: IMB11/Sounds
Releases · IMB11/Sounds
Sounds 2.4.8
- Updated Russian translations, thank you @mpustovoi!
- Fixed log spam with mods that have incredibly concerning ways to register blocks using sound types.
- Added option to output sound type retrieval failures into the console, this is disabled by default.
- Fixed crash on launch with NeoForge when Raise Sound Limits Simplified is installed.
Sounds 2.4.7
- Fixed crash on launch when Remove Sound Limit Simplified is installed.
Sounds 2.4.6
- Added recommendation to install Raise Sound Limits Simplified
- Removed legacy convention tags from the mod, reducing file size. These were no longer needed as the mod no longer supports 1.20.x versions.
- Plant pot sounds will now play on placing and removing flowers - they now also use dynamic item sounds retrieved from the flower items you're placing into or removing from the pot.
- Fixed crash when trying to access mod-specific options.
- Fixed issue with translations for the "Hide Button In Sound Mixer Menu" option.
- Fixed issue where sound events added through non-mod resource packs were unable to be accessed via the Sounds configuration screen, or played at all by Sounds.
Sounds 2.4.5
- Updated NeoForge - this should prevent crashes on 1.21.4!
- Sounds no longer jar-in-jar's YACL, you need to install it as a dependency manually now.
- The configuration screen has slightly changed, there are no longer background images for the buttons and instead icons are used - this should improve game launch times and reduce performance issues from occurring when browsing Sound's configuration options.
Sounds 2.4.4
- Fix ordering of sound events on hotbar keybind press.
Sounds 2.4.3
- Fix issue where hotbar keybinds are broken on versions below 1.21.3
Sounds 2.4.2
Apologies for the number of hotfixes, this should fix all issues on Fabric when opening the creative inventory screen.
Sounds 2.4.1
- Fix issue with mixins - Sounds requires Fabric Loader 0.16.10, and will now enforce this.
Sounds 2.4.0
- Updated "Simplified Chinese", thank you @Chiloven945
- Added functionality to prevent custom block sounds from being applied to specific blocks. You can find this in the "World" configuration screen under the "Blocks" category.
- Added sound definition replacement events for mod developers who may want to add support for custom NBT/Component items in the future.
- Fixed issue where hotbar keybinds did not trigger sound events.
- Fixed issue where the scroll sound would play whenever you opened the creative inventory.
- Migrated to a new build system which should hopefully fix all bugs related to NeoForge.
- Removed included dependency on Architectury API.
- Now depends on M.R.U 1.0.8 - please make sure to update your currently installed M.R.U.
I really apologize for the long wait for this update. Thank you for your patience!
Sounds 2.3.2
- Fix issue on 1.21.3+ where text would become blurry after using the Sounds configuration screen.
- Very small performance improvement by running Ko-Fi supporter list call off main thread.