Install Hugo by following instructions here
Then clone this repo using:
git clone
or with ssh
git clone [email protected]:IEDCMEC/iedc-blog.git
hugo server -D
Create the css file in assets/css/.css
For JS create the file as assets/js/.js
Edit the following entries in the file config/_default/params.toml as
customCss = ["css/file1.css", "css/file2.css" ]
customJs = [ "js/file1.js", "js/file2.js" ]
- Create a folder corresponding to the post in static/images
- Paste the image in this folder
- Referrence this image in .md using markdown syntax with path as
- (check markdown file of any other blog post with image for example)
- Paste the author image in static/authorImages
- Write the image file name with extension in the front matter of the post under the "image" property.
- eg:
image: "johndoe.jpg"
- eg: