A fork of eckeyUtils with JSDoc generated types
Node.js based EC key utilities to generate the PEM contents (required by crypto.Sign and crypto.Verify) from the raw keys generated by crypto.ECDH and to parse key info from given PEM content. The lastest update has added JWK support.
Namely the ECDH.generateKeys function should be used to generate EC keys for the key-exchange purpose, but actually the keys it generates are bare/raw ec private key (i.e., d
in the cryptographic context) and ec public key (the relevant EC point, calculated from base point G
and d
), so supposedly there's no obstacle to use it in ECSDA scenario except that the crypto.Sign and crypto.Verify function doesn't support using raw key directly. This library comes out to bridge this gap by converting raw keys to PEM keys.
On the other side, this library provides a symmetrical function to parse key info (private key PEM -> {privateKey, curveName, publicKey?}, public key PEM -> {curveName, publicKey}) from the given EC PEM content, and such information can be used by crypto.ECDH.
P.s., the latest update: added JWK support - generation and parse.
Some people argue that use one key pair for both ECDH and ECDSA will compromise the security, so please try to avoid using one key pair for both usages except that you know dearly that there's no negative byeffect.
Generate PEM from raw keys
const crypto = require('crypto'), ecKeyUtils = require('eckey-utils');
const curveName = 'secp256k1';
const ecdh = crypto.createECDH(curveName);
const pems = ecKeyUtils.generatePem({
privateKey: ecdh.getPrivateKey(),
publicKey: ecdh.getPublicKey()
const sign = crypto.createSign('sha256');
const message = Buffer.from('Hello, World!');
let sig = sign.sign(pems.privateKey);
const verify = crypto.createVerify('sha256');
console.log(verify.verify(pems.publicKey, sig));
Parse key information from PEM
const ecKeyUtils = require('eckey-utils');
console.log(ecKeyUtils.parsePem(`-----BEGIN EC PRIVATE KEY-----
-----END EC PRIVATE KEY-----`));
console.log(ecKeyUtils.parsePem(`-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----
-----END PUBLIC KEY-----`));
Node.js version later than 5.x
Written in 2018 by tibetty [email protected]