- nanjing,china
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Simple and efficient tools for data science.
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Deep learning application collection
Python Apache License 2.0 UpdatedSep 26, 2023 -
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CV, NLP, DM datasets Toolkit for Machine Learning.
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Mysql Kernel for Jupyter
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Dynamic visualization training service in Jupyter Notebook for Keras, tf.keras and others.
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个性化 Jupyter 功能设置,如何让你的 Jupyter 个性十足。
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Tensorflow2.x implementations of CTR(LR、FM、FFM)
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tensorflow2.x implementations of Generative Adversarial Networks.
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Hive Kernel for Jupyter
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Linux 最常用命令!
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Elasticsearch Kernel for Jupyter
Python Apache License 2.0 UpdatedJun 4, 2020 -
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Image search with tensorflow2.0.0
beefly Public
Dynamic visualization training service in Jupyter Notebook for Keras tf.keras and others.
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tf.Keras implementations of a Deep Learning Toolkit for Computer Vision
Python Machine Leanring in Action with scikit-learn,pandas...
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Seaborn: statistical data visualization