htslib-js is a software development toolkit (SDK) for compiling htslib using Emscripten.
Copyright 2016 Jeongbin Park and Liam Childs, All rights reserved.
License: LGPL
- Latest Emscripten SDK (
- CMake 3.4.3 or higher (
- htslib (included in the source tree)
- zlib (included in the source tree)
You can clone htslib-js by issuing below command:
$ git clone --recurse-submodules
Please make sure to use --recurse-submodules
option here, to clone the submodule htslib
required by htslib-js.
To build htslib-js, firstly you need Emscripten SDK and CMake. You can download sdk via this link: and We recommend to include CMake in system PATH or local user's PATH for convenience. On Windows, you may also need MinGW to use GNU build tools.
After install Emscripten SDK, required environment variables should be initialized by running:
In POSIX environment:
$ emsdk activate
$ source
On Windows:
> emsdk activate
After that, build htslib-js by running:
In POSIX environment:
$ emcmake cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release .
$ make
On Windows:
> emcmake cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release . -G "MinGW Makefiles"
> mingw32-make
And then the compiled JavaScript files and example html files will be generated under 'examples' directory.