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Change Log

Luke Zhao edited this page Feb 23, 2017 · 22 revisions


  • new properties for specifying default animations
extension UIViewController {
  /// default hero animation type for presenting & dismissing modally
  public var heroModalAnimationType: HeroDefaultAnimationType
extension UINavigationController {
  /// default hero animation type for push and pop within the navigation controller
  public var heroNavigationAnimationType: HeroDefaultAnimationType
extension UITabBarController {
  /// default hero animation type for switching tabs within the tab bar controller
  public var heroTabBarAnimationType: HeroDefaultAnimationType


  • support .overFullScreen modalPresentationStyle

  • Implement many new default transitions. (fade was the only default transition before this update)

    • .push(direction: Direction)
    • .pull(direction: Direction)
    • .cover(direction: Direction)
    • .uncover(direction: Direction)
    • .slide(direction: Direction)
    • .zoomSlide(direction: Direction)
    • .pageIn(direction: Direction)
    • .pageOut(direction: Direction)
  • a few new modifiers:

    • beginWith(modifiers:[HeroModifier])
    • durationMatchLongest
    • overlay(color:UIColor, opacity:CGFloat)
    • masksToBounds(_ masksToBounds: Bool)


  • fix a zPosition regression introduced in 0.1.5


  • fix a regression introduced in 0.1.5 where animation for matched view might appear inconsistent.


  • fix a bug where toViewController's delegate callbacks are not being called

  • fix a bug where fromViewController's delegate callbacks receive incorrect parameters.

  • Add useScaleBasedSizeChange modifier. Force Hero use scale based size animation. This will convert all .size modifier into .scale modifier. This is to help Hero animate layers that doesn't support bounds animation. Also gives better performance when animating.

  • fix a few bugs with .useNoSnapshot

  • new video player example.


  • fix a bug where changing orientation doesn't affect previous VC.

  • fix a bug where the presented view controller has incorrect frame.,

  • New snapshot type modifiers:

    • useOptimizedSnapshot

      With this modifier, Hero will create snapshot optimized for different view type when animating. For custom views or views with masking, useOptimizedSnapshot might create snapshots that appear differently than the actual view. In that case, use .useNormalSnapshot or .useSlowRenderSnapshot to disable the optimization.

    • useNormalSnapshot

      Create snapshot using snapshotView(afterScreenUpdates:).

    • useLayerRenderSnapshot

      Create snapshot using layer.render(in: currentContext). This is slower than .useNormalSnapshot but gives more accurate snapshot for some views (eg. UIStackView).

    • useNoSnapshot

      Force Hero to not create any snapshot when animating this view. Hence Hero will animate on the view directly. This will mess up the view hierarchy. Therefore, view controllers have to rebuild its view structure after the transition finishes.

  • New navigation extension on UIViewController (mainly to support unwinding):

    • func hero_dismissViewController()

      Dismiss the current view controller with animation. Will perform a navigationController.popViewController if the current view controller is contained inside a navigationController.

    • func hero_replaceViewController(with:UIViewController)

      Replace the current view controller with another VC on the navigation/modal stack.

    • func hero_unwindToRootViewController()

      Unwind to the root view controller using Hero.

    • func hero_unwindToViewController(_ toViewController:)

      Unwind to a specific view controller using Hero.

    • func hero_unwindToViewController(withSelector: Selector)

      Unwind to a view controller that responds to the given selector using Hero.

    • func hero_unwindToViewController(withClass: AnyClass)

      Unwind to a view controller with given class using Hero.

    • func hero_unwindToViewController(withMatchBlock: (UIViewController) -> Bool)

      Unwind to a view controller that the match block returns true on.


  • Support local coordinate space.

    Global coordinate space Local (parent's) coordinate space
    Animating views are not affected by parent views' attributes Animating views are affected by parent views' attributes
    When parent view moves, subviews that have its own modifiers do not move with the parent view. I.e. they are being taken out of the view hierarchy. When parent view moves, subviews that have its own modifiers move along with the parent view. I.e. similar to how a view behave when its parent view moves.
    Used for matched views & views with source modifier. Global is the default prior to 0.1.3 Local is the default coordinate space after 0.1.3
  • New useGlobalCoordinateSpace modifier. Force the view to use global coordinate space. I.e. won't move with its parent view.


  • HeroPlugin returning .infinity duration will be treated as wanting interactive transition
  • few bug fixes.
  • Update plugin API protocol to be more concise.


  • Swift Package Manager Support, Thanks to @mRs-
  • Bug fixes #41, #36, & #38
  • Cleaner navigation bar animation.
  • Better alpha animation support.


  • add HeroModifier class and HeroTargetState struct

    • HeroModifier is a swift enum-like class that provides the same functionality of the original string-based heroModifiers.
    • HeroTargetState is a struct that holds view state informations. It can be build from [HeroModifier]. Mostly used internally and for building HeroPlugin.
  • change the original heroModifiers:String? to heroModifierString:String? (breaking change!)

  • add heroModifiers:[HeroModifier]? to UIView

  • add a shared singleton Hero object for controlling the interactive transition. Which can be accessed by Hero.shared

  • few changes to the protocols

    • protocol HeroAnimator

      func temporarilySet(view:UIView, to modifiers:HeroModifiers)
      // to 
      func temporarilySet(view:UIView, targetState:HeroTargetState)
    • protocol HeroViewControllerDelegate

      @objc optional func wantInteractiveHeroTransition(context:HeroInteractiveContext) -> Bool
      // to
      @objc optional func wantInteractiveHeroTransition() -> Bool
    • remove HeroInteractiveContext protocol

  • update HeroPlugin to conform to the new protocols definitions.

  • rename a few modifiers:

    • curvetimingFunction
    • sourceIDsource
    • clearSubviewModifiersignoreSubviewModifiers
  • fix a bug with heroReplaceViewController API. PR 30

  • fix a bug with UIStackView not animating correctly. PR 22

  • add recursive ignoreSubviewModifiers modifier

  • add radial & inverseRadial cascade:

To migrate from previous versions:

Do a whole-project find & replace(cmd+option+shift+F) for:

  • heroModifiersheroModifierString
  • curvetimingFunction
  • sourceIDsource
  • clearSubviewModifiersignoreSubviewModifiers

Remember to also replace these inside the storyboard. In code, please migrate to the new type-safe heroModifiers. It provides better type-checking and more functionality.



  • Add Carthage support


  • Cleaner resume animation after an interactive transition.
  • plugin API: seekTo(progress:Double) changed to seekTo(timePassed:TimeInterval)
  • plugin API: resume(progress:Double, reverse:Bool) changed to resume(timePassed:TimeInterval, reverse:Bool)
  • provides dynamic duration by default. material design(duration & timing)


  • rename clearSubviewClasses to clearSubviewModifiers. was a naming mistake.
  • set default animation to be CABasicAnimation with the Standard Curve from material design (easing).
  • add the new arc effect from material design (movement).
  • add arc effect to Basic, Menu, & ListToGrid examples.
  • add the ability to show arc path in the Debug Plugin.
  • ignore HeroModifiers for source view when matched with a target view with the same HeroID
  • some small optimization & bug fixes