A package based on the resource repository developed as part of the LetsMT! project. It has been updated and adjusted for modern GNU/Linux systems and improved in various ways. For historical reasons we will keep the name LetsMT! Resource Repository
and the webservice will still use <letsmt>
as its response root. Some of the changes are listed in doc/Changes.md.
More background and documentation is available in doc/README.md
- One ("monolithic" installation) or several PCs (distributed installation) or (for testing) virtual machines.
- GNU/Linux operating system, tested on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS
- Perl 5.10 or higher
- Apache 2.x with ModPerl
Standard (monolithic) installation on one machine:
git clone https://github.com/Helsinki-NLP/OPUS-repository.git
cd OPUS-repository
export HOSTNAME=<fully-qualified-domain-name>
sudo make install
The installation process will take quite some time and hopefully sets up all required software including a SLURM server, Apache Tika server and the repository backend webservice based on a secure REST-like API with self-signed certificates.
Test the installation by running:
make test
Additional tests can be run by using
make test-slow
admin/ ............. Scripts for administration
installation/ ...... Scripts & Makefiles for setup & installation
perllib/ ........... Perl modules and scripts
perllib/LetsMT/ .... LetsMT package of Perl modules & scripts
lib/ ............... Third-party packages/libraries
doc/ ............... markdown documentation
isa/ ............... interactive sentence aligner
ida/ ............... interactive dependency annotation
marianNMT .......... installation scripts for marianNMT
www/ ............... Extra: web interface (deprecated)
bin/ ....... essential scripts using/used by the LetsMT modules
doc/ ....... documentation generated from source (perldoc)
lib/ ....... all Perl modules
share/ ..... other global files necessary for the Perl modules
t/ ......... test scripts
xt/ ........ "extra" test scripts (for developers only)
Detailed documentation is generated from the source code (make doc) and more has still to be writen.
The LetsMT package basically includes modules for several purposes:
- implementation of the repository web-service:
LetsMT/Repository/AdminManager ..... administrative functions
LetsMT/Repository/GroupManager ..... access to group database
LetsMT/Repository/JobManager ..... access to SGE
LetsMT/Repository/StorageManager ... access to the data repository
- an Application Program Interface (API) to the web service (REST calls)
LetsMT/Repository/API/Access ....... calls to set group permissions
LetsMT/Repository/API/Admin ........ admin calls
LetsMT/Repository/API/Group ........ calls to group database
LetsMT/Repository/API/Letsmt ....... obsolescent "high-level" calls storage
LetsMT/Repository/API/MetaData ..... calls to metadata database
LetsMT/Repository/API/Storage ...... calls to storage server
LetsMT/WebService .................. entry point for talking to the API in Perl
- modules for data processing (I/O, conversion, ...)
LetsMT/Align ....................... wrapper around various sentence aligners
LetsMT/Corpus ...................... reading/writing data in various formats
LetsMT/Import ...................... convert/import data to LetsMT
LetsMT/Import/PDF ...................... PDF files
LetsMT/Import/DOC ...................... MS word documents
LetsMT/Import/TXT ...................... plain text files
LetsMT/Import/XML ...................... arbitrary xml files
LetsMT/DataProcessing/Normalizer ... normalization
LetsMT/DataProcessing/Splitter ..... sentence splitting
LetsMT/DataProcessing/Tokenizer .... (de)tokenization (generic, language/specific ...)
Command-line tools:
: Command-line tool to perform common tasks via the LetsMT webservice API.letsmt_fetch
: Fetch SMT training data (parallel and monolingual) from the repository according to the specifications in a configuration file.letsmt_convert
: Convert between different file formats.letsmt_import
: Validate/convert/import data files that have been uploaded to LetsMT. It can also be used to import OPUS corpora from command-line.letsmt_tokenize
: Tokenize and de-tokenize a text.
LetsMT! Resource Repository is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
LetsMT! Resource Repository is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with LetsMT! Resource Repository. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/.