Our project goes beyond the current commercialized service of a community-based shared refrigerator and plays a role in supporting the dietary needs of vulnerable populations, such as basic livelihood recipients. Through this, we can not only reduce food waste and protect the environment, but also promote shared prosperity within the local community. Furthermore, the service can create a virtuous cycle of easy and non-burdensome donation.
Amidst the continuous rise in prices, the livelihood of the people is suffering, and the difficulties faced by low-income vulnerable groups have been further exacerbated. In an effort to address this issue, problems such as "food monopolies" and "imbalance between recipients and donors" have arisen in the shared refrigerator project. To solve these problems, it is essential to provide a shared refrigerator service that allows for transparent disclosure of donation and distribution records, and accepts food donations through a reservation system.
"Donors have the right to verify that their donations are being used for their intended purposes." This is included in the "Declaration of Donor Rights" created by the Korea Association of Fundraising Professionals in 2017. If people can confirm when and how their donations were used to help others, they will be more likely to donate.
In 2019, the amount of daily household waste generated nationwide was approximately 45,912 tons. Among them, food waste accounts for 13,138.8 tons, or 28.62% of the total waste generated. If we can reduce the amount of food waste through donations, we can also contribute to environmental protection.
- Donate food when you have leftovers from an order or purchase.
- Find someone who needs smaller portions of bulk items.
- Look up the location of nearby shared refrigerators.
- Check what food is available in the shared refrigerator.
- Easily practice simple and convenient donation.
- See what message the recipient left when you donate food.
- Find nearby shared refrigerators and check if they have the food you need.
- Easily view what food is in the shared refrigerator.
- Leave a hearty message of gratitude to the donor.
- Map view to find shared refrigerators.
- Tab to view food items in the refrigerator.
- Hearty Message between donors and recipients.
- Donate food to any refrigerator you choose.
- Take food from the refrigerator with reservation service.
- My Page to view your usage history.
The SDGs that can be achieved through our service is as follows

Currently, in Korea, we provide support for basic welfare recipients and the secondary class. But it's not enough money for them to eat healthy and make a living. If they receive food donations through Hearty-Fridge, they will be able to reduce their food costs and use it to make a living in other areas. If the food is well utilized in the process of receiving donations, it will also solve the problem of hunger.
Food waste produces greenhouse gas emissions and is economically costly. I believe that if we, as consumers, portion out our food and donate the food that we won't be eating later, we will be able to reduce a lot of food waste.