Odyssey is a hackathon management platform that handles hacker applications, admin functionalities, and more. Built by the HackSC team.
- Clone this directory into your local dev environment
- Run
yarn install
to install the necessary packages - Create a
file and fill in w/ the right credentials (see.env.example
for template) - Run
npx sequelize-cli db:create
if your DB doen't already exist - Run
npx sequelize-cli db:migrate
to migrate your DB - Run
yarn dev
to start HackSC Odyssey -- this will start the combined client-server app onlocalhost:3000
- Caveat: if you make any changes to the backend API, you need to restart the server. An alternative start command is
npx nodemon yarn dev
which will restart the server anytimeapi/*.js
is updated
- Caveat: if you make any changes to the backend API, you need to restart the server. An alternative start command is
- Run
yarn run watch
to reload server automatically
- Code for the backend server. Includes database models, migrations, API routes, and more/migrations/
- Read about Sequelize migrations here (https://sequelize.org/master/manual/migrations.html)/models/
- Defines the database models for Odyssey/utils.js
- Utils used by the backend API routes- Other files here are typically route-specific files that define the API routes for the application
- Various assets used by our application/components
- Reusable components that make up our application/lib
- Shared helper methods used by our React app/pages
- Page components used by Next.js for file-based routing (ex: dashboard.tsx corresponds to/dashboard
- Files here are accessible as static files/styles
- Styled components for our design system -- typically design primitives that can be extended/tests
- Tests for our application, run usingyarn test
- Generators for sample data
- Home for engineering scriptsodyssey.d.ts
- Application specific type definitionsserver.js
- Main file that starts the entire application
Odyssey is built using Next.js and Node.js/Express. Odyssey is served by a Node.js server that uses Next.js to render React apps on the server. On the back-end, Odyssey uses Sequelize as an ORM for a MySQL database. Currently, the entire app is hosted on Heroku.
Adding a new model or updating a current one requires a migration file.
To create one, run npx sequelize-cli migration:generate --name <MIGRATION_NAME>
. This will autogenerate a file that will let you define what is being changed. See https://sequelize.org/master/manual/migrations.html for more information.
After setting up your migration, make sure you update the following files:
-- Update models to properly reflect the new DB schemaodyssey.d.ts
-- Update the Profile type object to reflect new fields
Once this is done, run npx sequelize-cli db:migrate
to get your changes reflected in the database
Additionally, create a sample data generator in /tests/factories
To deploy the application to production or staging, make sure you are logged in to the right Heroku account. Make sure you have installed the Heroku CLI.
Once you're logged into the right account, add the production and staging app to your remote. I have run the following:
heroku git:remote -a <production_app>
git remote rename heroku heroku-prod
heroku git:remote -a <staging_app>
git remote rename heroku heroku-staging
Before you deploy, make sure you have ran migrations on the right database.
Then to deploy to either production or staging, run:
git push heroku-prod develop:master
(Production)git push heroku-staging develop:master
For business / engineering tasks that are infrequent we have Tasks. These are contained in the tasks folder. When adding a task make sure to add it to CLI.js.
Invoke this command to see available tasks
npm run cli
Must define environment variables used in github actions in the .github/workflows/ directory.
Install Act, a library to run github actions locally by running brew install act
on mac or https://github.com/nektos/act/releases/latest
for windows.
Alternatively, it can be installed by running curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nektos/act/master/install.sh | sudo bash
To mock a pull request, run act pull_request --secret-file .env
where your environment variables are defined in .env
Cypress is an automated e2e framework. For Odyssey, its implementation exists in the ./cypress/ directory.
In package.json, we define script commands to run cypress. It can be run locally with yarn cypress:open
This will open the cypress interactive editor, which may need to be installed on your computer.
From there, we can run all the tests defined in cypress/integration/odysseyTests/*
Implemented E2E tests:
- Tests to visit each admin page on the /admin dashboard for an admin profile
- Tests to visit each pach in the navbar for a hacker profile
- Tests to visit each volunteer page on the /volunteer dashboard for an volunteer profile
- Tests to visit each sponsor page on the /sponsor dashboard for an sponsor profile
- Tests to visit each judge page on the /judge dashboard for an judge profile
Need to implement:
Jest tests are located in the tests/
directory - split up into tests/api/
where the js tests are written and the tests/factories/
directory to build the mock database.
Jest tests should be extensive coverage of the database.
- Auth
- Person
- Prize
- Project Team
The rest of the database and api/
showLive: false // _ False until event or soon before showDash: false showApp: true // _ True until Dec. 14ish showMaps: false // _ False because HackSC 2021 is virtual :( big sad showAPI: false // _ False until event showResults: true needsBus: false // _ False because HackSC 2021 is virtual :( big sad showTeam: false // _ False until closer to event showProjectTeam: false // * False until closer to event appsCloseDate: new Date("12/21/20")