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Caddy Client Certificate Revocation Validator Plugin

This caddy plugin enables revocation check support for client certificates. In your caddy json file revocation support can be added by adding a verifier to your client_authentication section.

Code Quality Status

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  • OCSP & CRL support
  • OCSP response caching
  • CRL stream based parsing to support CRLs with millions of entries
  • Different CRL Storage modes
    • Memory based (Maximum performance, memory usage depends on crl size)
    • Persistent disk based via leveldb (High performance with minimal constant memory usage)
  • CDP Support (CRL Distribution Point extension)
  • Different CRL fetch modes (Fetch actively to not fail on first request)
  • CRL Signature validation with different modes (fail/log/ignore)
  • CRL CDP Strict modes to ensure if a CRL location is defined via CDP connection is only allowed if at least one entry was successfully checked
  • OCSP AIA Strict modes to ensure if an OCSP server was defined in AIA connection is only allowed if at least one entry was successfully checked


After I found out that most webservers even the famous nginx are not really compliant to the official RFC specs My goal is to get a full RFC compliant high performant client certificate revocation support which also supports big CRL list without running out of memory.


Minimum supported caddy version is 2.5.2 For 1.0.5 minimum supported caddy version 2.8.4

Getting started


You first need to build a new caddy executable with this plugin. The easiest way is to do this with xcaddy.

Install xcaddy :

go install

After xcaddy installation you can build caddy with this plugin by executing:

xcaddy build latest --with

The easiest way to use this plugin is to enable client revocation support via CDP and AIA certificate extensions. This requires that the client certificates has either CDP or AIA or both extensions defined

Minimal JSON config for OCSP and CRL support via CDP/AIA

"client_authentication": {
"trusted_ca_certs_pem_files": [
"mode": "require_and_verify",
		"verifiers": [
				"verifier" : "revocation",
				"mode" : "prefer_ocsp",
				"crl_config": {
				  "work_dir": "./crlworkdir"
				"ocsp_config": {
					"default_cache_duration" : "10m"

Revocation check support can be also configured in the caddyfile syntax:

Example caddyfile config

client_auth {
  mode require_and_verify
  trusted_ca_cert_file   ./certificates/customerca.crt
  verifier revocation {
    mode crl_only
    crl_config {
      work_dir      "./crlworkdir"
      storage_type  memory
      update_interval 30m
      signature_validation_mode verify_log
      trusted_signature_cert_file "./certificates/customerca.crt"
        cdp_config {
          crl_fetch_mode fetch_actively
          crl_cdp_strict true
    ocsp_config {
      default_cache_duration 30m
      ocsp_aia_strict true

Full JSON Config Example

"client_authentication": {
"trusted_ca_certs_pem_files": [
"mode": "require_and_verify",
		"verifiers": [
				"verifier" : "revocation",
				"mode" : "prefer_ocsp",
				"crl_config": {
				  "work_dir": "./crlworkdir",
				  "storage_type" : "memory",
				  "update_interval" : "1m",			  
				  "signature_validation_mode" : "verify",
				  "crl_files" : ["./customcrls/custom.crl.pem"],
				  "crl_urls" : ["http://myserver/custom.crl.pem"],
				  "trusted_signature_certs_files" :["./certificates/customcacert.pem"],
				  "cdp_config": {
					"crl_fetch_mode" : "fetch_actively",
					"crl_cdp_strict" : true
				"ocsp_config": {
					"default_cache_duration" : "1m",
			                "trusted_responder_certs_files": [								
	                                "ocsp_aia_strict" : true

Config Structure


Defines the "Revocation Check Mode"

Possible Values:


Description: Prefer to check OCSP server but also check CRL if no OCSP server is known or can be accessed


Description: Prefer to check CRL but also check OCSP server if no CRL is known or can be accessed


Description: Only check OCSP servers if present, ignores all CRLs defined by CDP or config


Description: Only check CRLs if present, ignores all OCSP servers defined by AIA or config


Description: Disables revocation checking


Certificate Revocation List Configuration (Optional)


Configures the working directory for temporary CRL downloads and for disk based persistent CRLs


Configures how to store CRLs locally Supported Values:


Description: Stores CRL entries in a level db based file (still fast but slower than memory). Disk is the default for CRL persistence. Access times measured for a 1 million entry CRL was 1 millisecond Memory usage of caddy is not dependent on CRL size This is recommended for systems with giant CRLs or servers with low memory


Description: Stores CRL entries in a memory based map (very fast but memory consumption of caddy depends on CRL size). For most use cases where CRLs do not grow that much, it should be ok. Memory usage of caddy for a CRL with 1 million entries is about 500mb This is recommended for systems with typical sized CRLs and typical server memory


The interval in which the already known CRLs will be updated. (Optional) (Default: 30 minutes) Valid time units are “ns”, “us” (or “µs”), “ms”, “s”, “m”, “h”



Configures the signature validation or the CRL

Supported Values:


Description: Do not verify the signature


Description: Verifies the signature during CRL parsing. Will not accept CRL if validation failed


Description: Verifies the signature during CRL parsing. Will log a warning if the signature validation failed but will still accept the CRL


(Optional) A predefined list of http(s) urls pointing to CRLs. These lists will be checked for all client certificates. The predefined CRLs will be loaded on startup and updated cyclic. PEM and DER encoding are both supported


(Optional) A predefined list of files pointing to CRLs. These lists will be checked for all client certificates. The predefined CRLs will be loaded on startup PEM and DER encoding are both supported


(Optional) A predefined list of files of CA certificates which are trusted for CRL signing. These certificates will be used to verify CRL signature if the CRL signature cert is not part of the client cert chain. If the signature cert is part of the client cert chain there is no need to configure a certificate here. PEM and DER encoding are both supported


Configures how CDP (Certificate Distribution Point Extension) entries in the client certificate are used


Configures how and when CRLs are downloaded for the first time Possible Values:


Description: If a CRL defined in a client cert CDP is not known/loaded during handshake it is downloaded and the client connection will wait till the download and parsing is finished Also other clients connecting in the same time with the same CDP will wait for the download of the first connection to finish


Description: If a CRL defined in a client cert CDP is not known/loaded during handshake download will be triggered in background


Configures if CRL checking is mandatory to allow a connection if CDP is defined (Optional) (Default: false) In strict mode it is required that if a CDP is defined inside the certificate. The CRL needs to be downloaded from one of the CDP locations and needs to be checked to gain access If the CRL can not be downloaded, the validation of the crl signature failed (see signature_validation_mode), or the CRL is not downloaded yet (see crl_fetch_mode) connection is denied.


Configures OCSP revocation checks


The default time to cache OCSP responses valid time units are “ns”, “us” (or “µs”), “ms”, “s”, “m”, “h” If the default time is zero no caching will be performed. If the OCSP responder has defined a "NextUpdate" time the caching time will be time from now on till the next update, in this case default_cache_duration will be ignored


(Optional) A predefined list of files of CA certificates which are trusted to verify the OCSP response signature. These certificates will be used to verify OCSP response signature if the ocsp response signature cert is not part of the client cert chain. If the signature cert is part of the client cert chain there is no need to configure a certificate here. PEM and DER encoding are both supported


Configures if OCSP checking is mandatory to allow a connection if AIA is defined (Optional) (Default: false) In strict mode it is required that if an OCSP server is defined inside AIA extension at least one OCSP server defined can be contacted to check for revocation. Or a valid response of one of the OCSP server is inside the cache If no OCSP server can be contacted and no cached response is present or the validation of the OCSP response signature failed connection is denied.

Caddyfile Config

Instead of the standard JSON config, this plugin can also be configured via caddyfile.

Minimal Example

  tls ./certificates/server.key {
    ca_root ./certificates/ca.pem
	client_auth {
		mode                   require_and_verify
		trusted_ca_cert_file   ./certificates/ca.crt
		verifier revocation {
		    mode crl_only
                    crl_config {
                        work_dir "./workdir"
                        storage_type memory
                        update_interval 30m
                        signature_validation_mode verify_log
                        trusted_signature_cert_file "./certificates/ca.crt"
                        cdp_config {
                           crl_fetch_mode fetch_actively
                           crl_cdp_strict true
            ocsp_config {
              default_cache_duration 30m
              ocsp_aia_strict true


Some features are still missing:

  • LDAP Support for CDPs in CRLs is missing
  • Allow overriding of OCSP locations and CRL locations via config
  • Check CRL nextupdate field if the CRL is outdated/make configurable what to do / allow grace time
  • Support AIA extension to retrieve certificate from url if defined (CRL+OCSP)
  • OCSP Caching is not fully compliant with RFC 5019 Setion 6 - Caching Recommendations as HTTP caching directives are not used
  • Check freshness of ocsp response by checking nextUpdate value if present. If outdated make configurable what to do / allow grace time

Some technical debt:

  • Improve Unit Test coverage to 80%
  • Add automatic Integration Tests