This can still be done this way but its MUCH easier to user the CURL/API commands from stripe -> use this url to obtain your token and then you wont need to do any of this. This is a snippet of my code I switched to. It uses Kivy's UrlRequest which is asynchronous.
class MyAPI: def init(self): self.base_stripe_url = '' self.create_stripe_token = 'v1/tokens'
def post_stripe_token(self, callback, number, exp_month, exp_year, cvc):
data = {
'card[number]': str(number),
'card[exp_month]': str(exp_month),
'card[exp_year]': str(exp_year),
'card[cvc]': str(cvc)
url_data = urllib.parse.urlencode(data)
base_64_key = b64encode(_stipe_key.encode("utf-8")).decode("utf-8")
header = {'Content-type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
'Authorization': 'Basic {}'.format(base_64_key)}
url = self.base_stripe_url + self.create_stripe_token
self._handle_post_req(callback, url=url, header=header, data=url_data)
def _handle_post_req(self, callback, url, header=None, data=None):"URL:%s DATA:%s HEADER:%s" % (url, data, header))
UrlRequest(url, method='POST', req_headers=header, req_body=data,
on_success=callback, on_error=callback,
on_failure=callback, ca_file=certifi.where())
An implementation of Stripe payment processing designed for Kivy-ios and python-4-android
For android applications in your buildozer.spec file add
android.gradle_dependencies = com.stripe:stripe-android:2.1.0,
and make sure your android api is set to equal or greater than the follow so your buildozer will use
gradle to build your apk
# (int) Android API to use
android.api = 24
# (int) Minimum API required
android.minapi = 19
# (int) Android SDK version to use
android.sdk = 24
IOS apps will need to use the stripe recipe for Kivy-ios that can be located in the Kivy-ios directory of this
project. The kivy stripe recipee also requires a patch for the host_setuptools recipee. Move these two recipees
into .buildozer/ios/platform/kivy-ios/recipees. Add stripe to your requirements in your buildozer spec file or build
them with ./ Once your recipees have been compiled, open up xcode and click file->add files to project
and select Stripe.Framework found in this repository under kivy-ios and click "copy files if needed". Then click
add files to project again and add Stripe.bundle and make sure "copy files if needed" is checked again.
Demo server will require python modules twisted and stripe and can be installed via pip.
from stripewidget.StripeMD import StripeMD
#Then Create a StripeMD instance
#util needs an object with class variable user and a method sendTokenToServer(token,object.user)
#This method will send your token to your server to be stored in your database with your token and user tied together
CreditCardLayout = StripeMD(util=<your server instance>,key=_key)
In order to fully implement stripe you will need a server that will store user information in a database
along with their token. All charges must be created from your server.
import stripe
#Then add your api key
_stripe_api_key = "your key here"
stripe.api_key = _stripe_api_key
stripe.Charge.create(amount=amountCharged, currency='usd', description='Add info here', customer=customerToken, capture=False)