Simple player synchronisation solution for servers running multiple Velocity proxies
- Player Data Sync for multiple proxies
- Player Count Sync for multiple proxies
- Alert Sync for multiple proxies
- Hex & ChatColor Support
Hex Format: &#HEX_CODE
ChatColor Format: &a-zA-Z0-9
Format: command - description - permission
/alert <message> - Send a broadcast over all the proxies. - Chocolate.Command.Alert
/chocolate - Sends info about the plugin & the command list. - Chocolate.Command.Chocolate
/find <player> - Find on what server & proxy a player is. - Chocolate.Command.Find
/glist <proxy> - Receive the global list. - Chocolate.Command.Glist
/ip <player> - Get the ip of a player. - Chocolate.Command.IP
/lastseen <player> - Shows when a player has been seen for the last time - Chocolate.Command.LastSeen
/proxy - Get the id of the proxy you are on - Chocolate.Command.Proxy
/proxies - Gets a list with all the proxies id's - Chocolate.Command.ProxyIdList
"proxyName": "proxy01"
"generic": {
"no-permissions": "&c&lChocolate &8» &cYou cannot use this command.",
"wrong-usage": "&c&lChocolate &8» &cWrong usage, usage: &f%usage%",
"player-not-found": "&c&lChocolate &8» &f%player% &ccannot be found.",
"proxy-not-found": "&c&lChocolate &8» &cCannot find a proxy with the name: &f%proxy%&c.",
"must-be-a-player": "&c&lChocolate &8» &cYou must be a player to use this command"
"starting": {
"join": "&c&lChocolate &8» &cCannot join while the server hasn't been fully started yet."
"command": {
"find": {
"found": "&c&lChocolate &8» &f%player% &7is found in &f%server% &7in proxy &f%proxy%&7."
"glist": {
"global": "&c&lChocolate &8» &7There are currently &f%online% &7players globally connected.",
"proxy": "&c&lChocolate &8» &7There are currently &f%online% &7players connected to proxy &f%proxy%."
"ip": {
"found": "&c&lChocolate &8» &f%player% &7his ip is &f%ip%"
"last-seen": {
"found": "&c&lChocolate &8» &f%player% &7was last seen &f%seen% &7ago"
"proxy-id": {
"id": "&c&lChocolate &8» &7You are on proxy &f%proxyId%"
"proxy-id-list": {
"list": "&c&lChocolate &8» &7Proxies: &f%proxies%"
"alert": {
"format": "&8[&cAlert&8] &f%message%"
"chocolate": {
"command-format": "&c%usage% &8- &f%description%",
"msg": "&8&m--------------&r&8{ &c&lChocolate &8}&m--------------\n &f* &cAuthors: &f%authors%\n &f* &cGithub: &f\n\n&c&lCommands &8»\n%commands%&8&m--------------&r&8{ &c&lChocolate &8}&m--------------"
idleConnectionTimeout: 10000
connectTimeout: 10000
timeout: 3000
retryAttempts: 3
retryInterval: 1500
password: "pswd"
subscriptionsPerConnection: 5
clientName: null
address: "redis://host:6379"
subscriptionConnectionMinimumIdleSize: 1
subscriptionConnectionPoolSize: 50
connectionMinimumIdleSize: 10
connectionPoolSize: 64
database: 12
dnsMonitoringInterval: 5000
threads: 0
nettyThreads: 0