Substitutes environment variables in shell format strings,
and can raise error if any environment is not set.
There are two kinds of format string $FOO
and ${FOO}
This tool only works with the later form and can serve a simple
template engine for your shell scripts ;)
The program can also limit its action to a small set of variables
whose names match a predefined prefix/regexp.
: Scan and output all occurrences of variables in the input.-u
: Raise error when environment variable is not set. When being used with-v
, the program scans through the whole input; otherwise, the program stops immediately when there is any undefined (environment) variable.-p regexp
: Limit substitution to variables that match this prefix. You can use some regular expression as prefix. Default to[^}]+
. Can be used as an alternative toSHELL-FORMAT
option in the original GNUenvsubst
It's highly recommended to use -u
option. It's the original idea
why this tool was written.
Starting from v1.2.2
, you can download binary files generated automatically
by Github-Action action (via goreleaser tool). You find the files from
the release listing page:
To install on your laptop by local compiling process, please try the popular way
$ go get -v
$ export PATH=$PATH:$(go env GOPATH)/bin
The program works with STDIN
and write their output to STDOUT
$ echo 'My home is $HOME' | ./genvsub
$ echo 'My home is ${HOME}' | ./genvsub
$ echo 'Raise error with unset variable ${XXHOME}' | ./genvsub -u
To limit substitution to variables that match some prefix, use -p
$ echo 'var=${TEST_VAR}' | ./genvsub -u -p SAFE_
:: genvsub is reading from STDIN and looking for variables with regexp '\${(SAFE_)}'
$ echo '${TEST_VAR}' | ./genvsub -u -p 'TEST_.*'
:: genvsub is reading from STDIN and looking for variables with regexp '\${(TEST_.*)}'
:: Environment variable 'TEST_VAR' is not set.
The second command raises an error because the variable TEST_VAR
the expected prefix TEST_
and its value is not set.
You can also specify exactly a few variables to be substituted
(which is exactly an alternative to the shell-format
in the original GNU tool envsubst
$ echo '${TEST_VAR}' | ./genvsub -u -p 'VAR_NAME_3|VAR_NAME_3|VAR_NAME_3'
When using -p string
to specify the variable prefix, you can also use
some simple regular expression. However, please note that for the given
input argument -p PREFIX
, the program will build the final regexp
- Hence you can't use for example
-p '^FOO'
. - You can also easily trick the program with some fun
;) However, as seen in the program enforces input data to follow the form${VARIABLE_NAME}
. I'm still thinking if we can allow more tricks here.
Clean up on Dec 18th 2020.
We don't likely have tests with Golang
. We have some smoke tests instead.
$ make build tests
Tests are written in shell
Please have a look at tests/
Removed on Dec 18th 2020.
- Original tool: (which can't raise error if some variable is not set.)
- : A Go tool; It tries to behave like Bash with some advanced feature dealing with empty/non-set/default values; it can also raise error if some variable is empty and/or not-set. This tool has a few features that I don't need, and at the same time it doesn't have some features I need (reg-exp variable name filter, strict variable naming format, bla bla)
- : A Rust tool; It introduces new syntax
, which can be refined withENVSUB_PREFIX=%
. When hitting unset variables it will exit rather than expanding as empty strings. It also fully buffers input before writing, so in-place replacement is possible. - Fetch configuration/secrets/variables
at run time, and provides them to your program. Now you have to rebuild your
docker images with the tool atop your original
This work is writtedn by Ky-Anh Huynh and it's released under a MIT license.