oppai has been rewritten from scratch in pure C89 here: here. it's much smaller and faster than legacy oppai.
this is now deprecated and not actively developed anymore.
osu! pp advanced inspector (oppai) is a difficulty and pp calculator for osu! standard beatmaps. It works on any map, even unsubmitted ones and all you have to do is supply it with the map's .osu file.
- Getting started
- Caching beatmaps
- Compiling from source (Linux)
- Compiling from source (Windows)
- Compiling from source (OSX)
- Library mode and bindings
Demonstration usage video on windows and linux: here.
- If you are on arch linux, you can use the AUR packages oppai or oppai-git maintained by ammongit. Otherwise, download the latest binaries for your OS from here, extract the archive and place the executable anywhere you like. Advanced users are free to add oppai to their PATH to use it anywhere.
- Open cmd (or your favorite terminal emulator if you're on linux) and
cd /path/to/your/oppai/folder
(forward slashes might be backwards on windows) - Type
for a list of possible parameters.
UPDATE: You can now pipe beatmaps to oppai from stdin, which means that you can download a map on the fly and call oppai on it in one simple command.
Some linux examples of piping:
curl https://osu.ppy.sh/osu/37658 | ./oppai -
curl https://osu.ppy.sh/osu/37658 | ./oppai - +HDHR
curl https://osu.ppy.sh/osu/37658 | ./oppai - +HDHR 99% 600x 1m
Windows examples of piping (using powershell):
(New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString("https://osu.ppy.sh/osu/37658") | ./oppai -
(New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString("https://osu.ppy.sh/osu/37658") | ./oppai - +HDHR
(New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString("https://osu.ppy.sh/osu/37658") | ./oppai - +HDHR 99% 600x 1m
NOTE: to obtain the beatmap url, just open the desired map's page in your browser, click on the desired difficulty and copy the url, then replace /b/ with /osu/.
If you don't feel like using the command line, you can hop on the
shigetora chat and type
!oppai url_to_beatmap
followed by the parameters. But remember, you won't get
the full output which contains much more useful info than just pp! So I
recommend spending 1 minute downloading the tool and learning to use it from
the command line.
!oppai https://osu.ppy.sh/osu/37658
!oppai https://osu.ppy.sh/osu/37658 +HDHR
!oppai https://osu.ppy.sh/osu/37658 +HDHR 500x 1m
oppai automatically caches pre-parsed beatmaps in binary format in the "oppai_cache" folder in the same directory as the oppai executable.
This speeds up subsequent calculations for that same map by up to 25%, especially on slow CPU's. The cache filesize is about 65kb per map on average.
If you have a machine with really slow I/O (networked filesystem, old HDD) or
a cpu with really good single core performance, you might want to try passing
to disable caching and see if that makes it faster (it usually
makes it SLOWER though).
NOTE: cache files are not guaranteed to be compatible across architecture, so you can't copy your beatmap cache from a 64-bit machine to a 32-bit machine or use 32-bit and 64-bit oppai on the same cache folder. delete it or move it in such cases.
git clone https://github.com/Francesco149/oppai.git
cd oppai
To cross compile, you can edit the build.sh and add, for example, -m32
after g++ in CXX.
OpenSSL is required to build oppai on Linux. The library and header files are
bundled in the package libssl-dev
on most distributions. On Debian it can be
obtained as follows:
sudo apt-get install libssl-dev
You need to have git bash installed. The easiest way to get it is to install GitHub desktop.
You will also need visual studio. Any version should do. You don't even need the IDE, you can even get the stand-alone compiler without all the bloat.
Open git bash and type:
git clone https://github.com/Francesco149/oppai.git
Now open a visual studio command prompt:
cd \path\to\oppai\win
The executable will be found in the build directory.
Via homebrew:
brew install --HEAD pmrowla/homebrew-tap/oppai
Note that installing with --HEAD
is not required, but it is recommended
since the tap may not always be up to date with the current oppai release
tarball. Installing from homebrew will place the executable in your homebrew
Compiling from source in OSX will still require the use of homebrew since Apple
no longer bundles OpenSSL headers with OSX. Also note that homebrew may give
warnings about not symlinking OpenSSL, this is intended behavior and you should
not brew link --force openssl
due to potential conflicts with the Apple
bundled OpenSSL.
brew install openssl
git clone https://github.com/Francesco149/oppai.git
cd oppai
oppai can now be compiled in library mode by defining OPPAI_LIB=1. this allows
you to #include /path/to/oppai/code/main.cc
in any C++ program and call
oppai functions to parse beatmaps, calculate pp and difficulty in your own
software. The API is thread safe, so you can process beatmaps in parallel if
you wish so.
This also makes it simple to create bindings to use oppai in pretty much any programming language.
Currently available bindings:
- pyoppai (Python): https://github.com/Francesco149/oppai/tree/master/pyoppai
- node-oppai (node.js): https://github.com/Francesco149/oppai/tree/master/node-oppai
The library mode API is still new and nothing is set in stone, but I don't see it changing in the future.
Here's a minimal example of using oppai in lib mode (no error checking):
#include "../main.cc"
// don't forget to define OPPAI_LIB=1 in your build script!
#define BUFSIZE 2000000
static char buf[BUFSIZE];
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
if (argc != 2) {
fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s file.osu\n", argv[0]);
return 1;
// if you need to multithread, create one ctx and buffer for each thread
oppai_ctx ctx;
beatmap b(&ctx);
beatmap::parse(argv[1], b, buf, BUFSIZE, true);
// b.apply_mods(mods::...)
f64 stars, aim = 0, speed = 0;
d_calc_ctx dctx(&ctx);
stars = d_calc(&dctx, b, &aim, &speed);
"%.17g stars, %.17g aim stars, %.17g speed stars\n",
stars, aim, speed
pp_calc_result result = pp_calc(&ctx, aim, speed, b /* mods ... */);
printf("%.17g pp\n", result.pp);
return 0;
Recommended compiler flags for linux:
${CXX:-g++} \
-std=c++98 \
-pedantic \
-O2 \
-Wno-variadic-macros \
-Wall -Werror \
main.cc \
-lm -lstdc++ \
-lcrypto \
-o test
... and windows:
-O2 ^
-nologo -MT -Gm- -GR- -EHsc -W4 -WX ^
-wd4201 ^
-wd4100 ^
-wd4458 ^
-F8000000 ^
main.cc ^
-Fetest.exe ^
See lib_example/main.cc for a more complete example with error checking.