Fast Minimal And Usable
Here're some of the project's best features:
- nice minimal dashboard
- code completion with nvim-cmp
- mason to manage lsp
- lsp-zero for painless configuration
- vscode like pictograms
- syntax highlighting with treesitter
- smoother scrolling
- nice status line with lualine
- nordy bufferline
- overall nice nordty themeing
- key bind help with which key
- file navigation with neotree
- overall minimal config
- seasmless plugin management with lazy.nvim
- session management
- noice ui for cmdline
- animated notifications
- floating file tree
- more coming boi....
1. Clone the repo to nvim config dir
git clone ~/.config/nvim/
2. and fire up nvim
Technologies used in the project:
- everyone's favorite lua chan! 😽
- beloved neovim kyun ❤️
- all time favorite control key to copy config
This project is licensed under the MIT
contact: [email protected]