Releases: FedUni/caliko
Caliko v1.3.8
- Fixed the Mat3f.createRotationMatrix() method to correctly handle the singularity on the positive Y-axis (thanks, meaten!)
- Also added a (commented out) Pixar version which works, but generates slightly different orthogonal 3x3 matrices (see method for details)
Caliko v1.3.7
- Updated documentation to discuss potential Mac demo crash & mitigation steps
Caliko v1.3.6
- Updated Java version from 8 to 11 (we could use 12, but 11 is LTS so let's go with that).
- Updated LWJGL3 version from 3.0.0b to 3.2.2 and made necessary changes to maven POMs & Caliko demo.
- Updated maven plugin versions used & JUnit plugin, hence...
- ...much maven pom rework.
- Changed marshalling/unmarshalling to not rely on @XmlAttributes (deprecated in Java 9), using serialization now.
- Many, many updates to the JavaDoc to comply with Java 8+ stricter syntax.
- Updates / fixes / clarifications to user documentation.
Caliko v1.3.5
- Added methods to get the global pitch & yaw in degrees of Vec3fs and FabrikBone3D objects.
- Added a unit test for these to ensure they're working correctly.
- Changed the Mat3f.createRotationMatrix method's technique for generating an orthonormal basis to one which produces less roll / 'spin'.
- Updated user documentation to mention these pitch/yaw methods.
Caliko v1.3.4
Added ability to treat 2D constraints as about a world-space direction rather than relative to the previous bone in the chain. See 2D Demo 9 for an example of how to use it. (Thanks to Mary Cotter of Allendale Columbia School for pointing out that it would be useful to have!).
Added ability to pre-create a 2D or 3D bone and add it to a chain in a consecutive manner (rather than have to provide parameters for the bone to be created during the add process).
Updated the documentation.
Caliko v1.3.3
- Fixed an issue where 2D chains would not provide optimal solutions under certain conditions (see #11 - massive thanks to jmsjr & dai-ichi),
- Significant maven re-factoring to be more inline with the 'maven way' of doing things (jmsjr),
- Demos now use the factory pattern (jmsjr),
- Chains now support marshaling for comparison (jmsjr),
- SonarQube and unit test integration (jmsjr),
- Lots of javadoc fixes and tidying up (jmsjr).
Woo! Go team! =D
Caliko v1.2
- [MAJOR] Added embedded targets for 2D/3D chains so that chains in the same structure do not have to all use/be-solved-for the same target location.
By enabling embedded target mode for a chain, when it's time to solve it the embedded target is used rather than any provided target. See
the user documentation and 2D demo 7 and 3D demo 12 for worked examples. - All calls to "updateTarget" are now "solveForTarget", and there are additional "setEmbeddedTargetMode" and "updateEmbeddedTarget" methods for chains.
- Made FabrikBone2D default constructor public
- Fix for crash when solving 2D chain with a single bone
Caliko v1.1.2
- Moved utils package from to as the classes within are generic
- Modified source to import Vec/Mat classes from new location
- Added performance metrics test (source code in perf-test folder)
- Updated user documentation with details of the above.
Caliko v1.1.1
Minor updates to documentation and incorporation of small clean-up issues.
Caliko v1.1
This release contains the caliko library, source code, user + API documentation and the caliko-demo application complete with LWJGL3 native libraries for Windows, Linux and Mac platforms.
To try out the library, you can launch the demo application in the demo folder by running:
java -jar caliko-demo-jar-with-dependencies.jar
Note: There is currently a Linux OpenGL ( issue affecting execution of the library in this manner. Please see the library issues page for further details:
Changes in this release include:
- Added user documentation (/doc/caliko-user-guide.pdf).
- Fixed 2D LOCAL_ABSOLUTE constraint tracking and drawing of constraints.
- Added 3D LOCAL_HINGE basebone constraints both with and without reference constraints.
- Added to and cleaned up FabrikChain3D basebone constraint setting methods.
- Cleaned up the FabrikStructure3D.updateTarget() method - its job should only be to iterate over the chains in the structure recalculating the mBaseboneRelativeConstraintUV (and if necessary mBaseboneRelativeReferenceConstraintUV) of the connected chain before handing it over to the FabrikChain3D.updateTarget() method to actually use those relative constraints based on the type of joint under consideration.
- Adjusted the demo Application class to print any exceptions raised.