- ideal for video streaming
- quiet
- metal case
- external WiFi antenna
- temperature controlled PWM of fan
- simple, only few additional hardware components are required
- Raspberry Pi 4 4GByte with U.FL antenna connector e.g. from geeks-r-us
- WLAN Upgrade Kit Raspberry Pi / ESP8266 5dBi e.g. from geeks-r-us
- drill an additional 6.5 mm hole for the RP-SMA socket into the metal case next to the fan opening
- Hifiberry AMP2 shield e.g. from Reichelt
- power supply LEICKE 72W Netzteil 12V 6A e.g. from Amazon
- metal case for Raspberry Pi 4 & HiFiBerry AMP2, black e.g. from Reichelt
- very quiet 25mm fan with ball bearing EBM Papst 255M axial flow fan 5 V/DC 2.3 m³/h (L x B x H) 25 x 25 x 8 mm e.g. from Conrad
- heat sink 40 mm x 30 mm for Raspberry Pi 4 e.g. from Reichelt
- spacers, screws as appropriate
- loudspeaker and speaker cables, e.g. Polk S10E
- TV or monitor, e.g. Philips Monitor BDM3270QP/00
- for the fan control
- 2N 7000 FAI MOSFET, N-CH, 60V, 0,115A, 0,4W, TO-92 e.g. from Reichelt
- resistor 10kOhm e.g. from Reichelt
- resistor 100Ohm e.g. from Reichelt
- diode 1N4148 e.g. from Reichelt
- schematics of fan control:
- solder as floating wiring, ensure that all components are isolated by insulation tape
- as reference, the GPIO pinout of a Raspberry Pi 4 is available e.g. here
- used Raspberry Pi 4 GPIO pins:
- +5V power (#2)
- GND ground (#6)
- BCM24 (#18)
- note: do not use GPIOs that are used by the Hifiberry AMP2, see here
- Libreelec 11 Rpi4 nightly build e.g. this one (may not exist anymore) (worked for me, please check for the latest available RPi4 nightly builds at https://test.libreelec.tv/11.0/RPi/RPi4/: LibreELEC-RPi4.arm-11.0-nightly-*.img.gz)
- replace the Rapberry Pi 4's config.txt:
connect to the Raspberry Pi 4 via ssh:
- enable ssh access in Libreelec
ssh root@<raspberry_pi4_ip_address>
- the default ssh password is: libreelec (if not changed yet, it is strongly recommended to change the default password!)
- the /flash boot partition is read-only by default, so we need to remount it in read-write mode:
mount -o remount,rw /flash
- now execute the following commands at the command line
cd /flash
wget https://github.com/FUEL4EP/Libreelec_Raspberry_Pi4_Fan_Control/blob/master/config.txt
- then set the /flash partition back to read-only mode:
mount -o remount,ro /flash
- and reboot for the changes in config.txt to be applied:
- install / update the following addons to the latest version if streamings are suddenly stopping, this may happen after an update of LibreElec image
- InputStream Adaptive
- Inputstream FFmpeg Direct
- RTMP Input
- the fan control software is derived from here. Many thanks to internauta37 !
installation procedure for the fan control (derived from here.)
major change is that the fan is turning at 'turn_on_speed (default: 65%)' speed for 1 second after each change of the fan speed
to make the fan working on LibreELEC it is necessary to perform the following steps:
install the Addon Raspberry Pi Tools in LibreELEC
connect to the Raspberry Pi 4 via ssh:
- enable ssh access in Libreelec
ssh root@<raspberry_pi4_ip_address>
- the default ssh password is: libreelec
- check that all the libraries by Raspberry Pi Tools have been installed correctly:
ls -la /storage/.kodi/addons/virtual.rpi-tools/lib
- download the python script that starts and manages the fan:
mkdir /storage/.config/fan_controller
cd /storage/.config/fan_controller
- create the autostart.sh file and let his start the python script that takes care of controlling the fan:
touch /storage/.config/autostart.sh
chmod +x /storage/.config/autostart.sh
nano /storage/.config/autostart.sh
- adding to it:
(python3 /storage/.config/fan_controller/fan_controller.py)&
- save it
- if you want to have the audio muted after the boot of LibreElec, then use the provided autostart.sh instead
- now all that remains is to restart the Raspberry and enjoy the fan running:
- ensure that the fan is turning after the reboot
- experts can observe debug messages by invoking from the command line after setting 'debugFlag=True' in the python script 'fan_controller.py':
python3 /storage/.config/fan_controller/fan_controller.py
- please do not forget to set 'debugFlag=False' afterwards
- I got some Mediathek addons working properly by installing the following VideoPlayer InputStream LibreELEC Addons:
- InputStream Adaptive
- Inputstream FFmpeg Direct
- RTMP Input
- without these 3 addons the seeking forward and backward is not working!
- CURRENTLY NOT WORKING DUE TO NOT MAINTAINED releases.json FILE: for manual updates inside Libreelec please define in Settings => LibreElec => Updates:
- automatic updates: manual
- user defined channel 1: https://test.libreelec.tv/releases.json (currently not properly defined!!)
- Update-Channel: LibreELEC-11.0
- then select the latest update in 'available updates'
- alternative manual update via ssh is as follows:
- login into Libreelec by ssh
- cd /storage/.update
- wget -c <URL of latest LibreELEC-RPi4.arm-11.0-nightly-*.img.gz> in https://test.libreelec.tv/11.0/RPi/RPi4
- e.g wget -v https://test.libreelec.tv/11.0/RPi/RPi4/LibreELEC-RPi4.arm-11.0-nightly-20220718-3a651c4.img.gz
- reboot
- seal the SD card opening of the case with black adhesive tape in order to avoid a bypass of the air flow. Keep the fan opening free.
I've successfully migrated my LibreELEC 11 system to LibreELEC 12
if you want to migrate your LibreELEC 11 system to LibreELEC 12, please follow these steps:
- create a backup of your LibreELEC 11 system
- Settings => LibreELEC => Backup
- store the backup data on an USB stick
- keep your LibreELEC 11 SD card, don't overwrite it, and keep it if your LibreELEC 12 migration should fail!
- create a backup of your LibreELEC 11 system
flash the latest official LibreELEC 12 nightly build from here to a NEW SD card having at least the same size as your LibreELEC 11 SD card
insert the new SD card into the SD card slot of your Raspberry Pi 4
boot the system
restore the LibreELEC 11 backup created as above
replace the Rapberry Pi 4's config.txt:
connect to the Raspberry Pi 4 via ssh:
- enable ssh access in Libreelec
ssh root@<raspberry_pi4_ip_address>
- the default ssh password is: libreelec (if not changed yet, it is strongly recommended to change the default password!)
- the /flash boot partition is read-only by default, so we need to remount it in read-write mode:
mount -o remount,rw /flash
- now execute the following commands at the command line
cd /flash
wget https://github.com/FUEL4EP/Libreelec_Raspberry_Pi4_Fan_Control/blob/master/config.txt
- then set the /flash partition back to read-only mode:
mount -o remount,ro /flash
- and reboot for the changes in config.txt to be applied:
if everything ran smoothly, continue as follows:
replace the LE 11 Python script for the fan controller, since LE 12 requires some modifications:
connect to the Raspberry Pi 4 via ssh:
ssh root@<raspberry_pi4_ip_address>
the default ssh password is: libreelec
download the LE 12 python script that starts and manages the fan:
cd /storage/.config/fan_controller
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/FUEL4EP/Libreelec_Raspberry_Pi4_Fan_Control/master/fan_controller_LE12.py fan_controller.py
- now restart the Raspberry and enjoy the fan running:
- ensure that the fan is turning after the reboot
- experts can observe debug messages by invoking from the command line after setting 'debugFlag=True' in the python script 'fan_controller.py':
python3 /storage/.config/fan_controller/fan_controller.py
- please do not forget to set 'debugFlag=False' afterwards
- update the LibreELEC addons (usually not needed)
- enjoy
- install the latest official LibreELEC 12 nightly builds from here as available, follow the LE 11 instructions above
after having successfully migrated to LE 12, you can also update to LibreElec 13 as usual
the LE 13 daily updates are here
for LE13, please use fan_controller_LE13.py instead of fan_controller.py:
download the LE 13 Python script for the fan controller, since LE 13 requires some modifications:
connect to the Raspberry Pi 4 via ssh:
ssh root@<raspberry_pi4_ip_address>
the default ssh password is: libreelec
download the LE 13 python script that starts and manages the fan:
cd /storage/.config/fan_controller
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/FUEL4EP/Libreelec_Raspberry_Pi4_Fan_Control/master/fan_controller_LE13.py fan_controller_LE13.py
- download the LE13 daily update script my_update.bsh:
cd /storage/.config
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/FUEL4EP/Libreelec_Raspberry_Pi4_Fan_Control/master/my_update.bsh my_update.bsh
chmod +x my_update.bsh
- download the LE13 autostart.sh script autostart_LE13.sh:
cd /storage/.config
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/FUEL4EP/Libreelec_Raspberry_Pi4_Fan_Control/master/autostart_LE13.sh autostart.sh
chmod +x autostart.sh
- now restart the Raspberry and enjoy the fan running:
- check that the installed software is running properly by
- connect to the Raspberry Pi 4 via ssh:
ssh root@<raspberry_pi4_ip_address>
- enter the command
journalctl -u kodi-autostart
to see the boot messages. No error should be reported.
check that the python fan controller script is running by the command
ps auxw | grep python
- the output should list the running python script like
1441 root 0:02 python3 /storage/.config/fan_controller/fan_controller_LE13.py
- use of these instructions is on your own risk! No liability by the publisher!
- ensure that the fan is turning after installation
- ensure that your raspberry pi4 is not overheating due to a wrong installation
- it is strongly recommended to make a backup of your SD card before you upgrade the Libreelec nightly build
- you can download the files of this repository from here as a zip file.
- for a Smart Home with RaspberryMatic a DIY power switch for demand switch power supply has been developped: HB-UNI-SenAct-4-4-RC_DS. A fitting PCB is described here HB-UNI-SenAct-4-4-SC_DS_FUEL4EP.
- the power-up and shutdown of the Raspberry PI and the monitor can then e.g. be controller by Shortcuts on a Apple iPAD, see screendumps here
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