PojoGenrator is a plugin for idea (Android Studio),what can generator pojo class from format text
you can set the "lineSplit" and "blockSplit" to decide how to split the content.
you can set the position of name to decide what is the name string and so on.
copy the format text to the TextArea, then choose the options and click button.
Name Position : the index of Name Str
Type Position : the index of Type Str
Describe Position : the index of Describe Str
class Name : the name of class what will be generated
lineSplit : line split str
blockSplit : block split str
there are some other options what is easy to understand.
what is generated :
public class Test {
* 测试整形
public int testInt;
* 测试字符串
public String testStr;
* 测试Long
public long testLong;