ZebraScouting is a powerful new scouting site application for recording and processing robot analytics.
- simulation
- Matches
- Qual Matches
- Alliances
- Elim Matches
- Pit form display for showing what teams have not been pit scouted.
- Automatically delete and replace pit form when duplicate is created
- 404 notice
- Tell you which team you are scouting apon inputing match+slot
- mobile could prob be better?
- Blue alliance verification
- Ability to factor in the influence of previous competitions
- stand form does not revalidate
When mantine adds support for React 19 update update NextJS to v15 and everything along with it.
- headers become async
- params and searchParams become async
- GET() route and fetch are no longer cached by default (I dont think this will actually effect anything)
- Backend for logging in, logging out, registering.
- Enable authentication
- Team Data Tab system:
- Insights
- Breakdown
- Data
- team report page
- qr code route
- implment specific access requirements (auth)
- Incrementor - stand form
- Tabs - stand form
- end repeating decimals
- fix defaultForm population when updating pit form
- more detailed team report page
- mobile
- burger nav
- image submission to pit forms