GRIP generated code to track the 2016 FRC tower on a Raspberry Pi using an ip camera
##Set up the raspberry pi
There are two options
- Follow [this] ( tutorial
Skip everything inside step 4 related to virtual environments
Change openCV version from 3.1.0 to whatever the latest version is (Currently using 3.2.0)
Install pynetworktables
$ pip3 install pynetworktables
- Download and flash the image on GitHub
##Generating and editing your code
- Write your GRIP pipeline to process the image
- Export the code in Python
tools -> Generate Code
- Edit the exported code
Change class name to "GripPipeline"
class GripPipeline:
Add a second parameter "source0" to the process function
def process(self, source0):
Remove "self.__" from input of first step in the pipeline in process function (in this case resize)
#Step Resize_Image0: self.__resize_image_input = source0
- Make sure the import statement is correct for your generated pipeline
Change NetworkTables IP address to that of the roboRIO
Pick video input method
If using an IP camera change address of the camera
cap = cv2.VideoCapture("http://10.TE.AM.3/mjpg/video.mjpg")