This script allows you to resign any APK with any certificate.
You'll only need the APK you want to sign and the Keystore with all it's informations.
The script was only used and tested on a Mac OS Environment. It should work fine on any Unix distribution though. Only native APKs were re-signed with this script, never tried anything else.
- Clone this project.
- Create a file "" containing the following
- Execute the Script with the following command line
./ my_apk.apk
- Florian DUHEN - Initial work
The script is using the Jar files "Zipalign", "Keytool" and "Jarsigner".
Zipalign in the Android Build Tools version : 27.0.3 (could use a newer one)
Keytool in the Android Build Tools version : 27.0.3 (could use a newer one)
Jarsigner in the Java package version : 1.8.0_152 (could use a newer one)