A bunch of utilities for:
- Html5 web player with php7 + sqlite + jquery + ffmpeg
- WebPlayer support for audio and subs tracks selector
- Poster list with search by genres, actors, years or rating
- Groups by premiere, continue, recomended and last added
- Easy configuration with config.php and config.ws.php
- Admins and player users
- Realtime ffmpeg transcoding of any type of video supported by ffmpeg, not needed to reencode before play or create temp files
- Identify media files thanks to: pymediaident, www.filebot.net, www.omdbapi.com, www.thetvdb.com, PHP-IMDB-Grabber (cron, manual and helped).
- Search and download new media from web adding scrappers with config.ws.php (youtube, elinks, magnets, torrents and dd supported, cron or manual with any external program like transmission, jdownloader, amule, qbittorent, etc).
- Clean duplicates by quality with safe seeding (min days to seed) and max filesize to maintanin
- Country IP block thanks to www.geoplugin.net and www.ipgeolocation.io (apikey needed)
- IP whitelist/blacklist (autoban non included countrys)
- Media info in configured language (if possible).
- Lazy Load Images thanks to: http://jquery.eisbehr.de/lazy
- Extract files on cron (php support needed Zip and Rar)
- Filtered remove files to recover extra free space (manual, helped and cron)
- Stop adding downloads on min space config
- Mini dlna server thanks to: https://github.com/ttyridal/phpdlna && https://github.com/ampache/ampache/ (tested vlc and android)
- Kodi pluging
- Multilanguaje (lang/CODE.php and select on config, default ENG)
- Logo thanks to leonardoderoy
- AMD Hardware vaapi transcoding support
- NVIDIA Hardware nvenc transcoding support
- User: admin
- Pass: admin01020304
Full Install on Linux(arch/apache)
Full Install on Linux(arch/nginx)
Copy all files to your server folder and edit:
: basic configuration, read comments and edit neededconfig.ws.php
: only if want to add more web searchs for media (examples provided)
If needed add vhost file to apache and include or edit main host conf.
Example vhost:
<Directory /path/to/server/>
Options FollowSymlinks
AllowOverride all
Require all granted
#Edit Paths
php_admin_value open_basedir "/path/to/server/:/path/to/downloads"
#block all except my IP
#Order deny,allow
#Deny from all
#Allow from MYIP
Allow from all
DirectoryIndex index.php
NameVirtualHost *:80
<VirtualHost *:80>
#COMMENT IF DLNA SERVER or calls changed to https or only use domainname
Redirect permanent / https://YOURDOMAIN
<VirtualHost *:443>
ServerAdmin [email protected]
DocumentRoot /path/to/server
ErrorLog /var/log/httpd/YOURLOGNAME
CustomLog /var/log/httpd/YOURLOGNAME common
<IfModule mod_headers.c>
Header always set Strict-Transport-Security "max-age=15768000; includeSubDomains; preload"
If needed add paths to php.ini (needed access to download folder):
open_basedir = ...:/path/to/server/:/path/to/downloads
Needed extension in php:
#for dlna server
Restart apache, and login with default user/pass.
Adding https://www.phpliteadmin.org/ file to base folder add a menu entry to access sqlite DB file (need to configure db file and user in phpliteadmin file).