This is a Flask web application designed to predict whether a domain name is real or potentially generated by a Domain Generation Algorithm (DGA).
To make predictions, the app uses the ALBERT (A Lite BERT) model, which can capture the semantic meaning of URLs. The model extracts embeddings, 9,000 embeddings trained a logistic regression model. The classification model (models/base_lr.pkl
) is then used to classify embeddings of a domain name and determine whether it is legitimate or not.
There are two endpoints:
to predict the classification of a single domain name passed as URL-encoded string in the route. The URL is passed as an argument in the route without defining the protocol. If a domain name is invalid, an HTTP status code of 422 is returned. -
- to predict the classification of multiple domain names passed as a JSON payload in the form of{"url_string":"any text any text"}
. The URLs can be passed with or without "http" and "https". If no valid domain name is found, an HTTP status code of 422 is returned.
In both cases, a JSON object will be returned as the response. The key is the domain name, and the value is the relevant classification results.
Example response:
"": {
"classification": "legit",
"p_dga": 0.0051598137498390685,
"p_legit": 0.9948401862501609,
Clone the repository
git clone
Install poetry
pip3 install poetry
Install dependencies
poetry install
Start the server inside the poetry environment with gunicorn or flask
poetry run flask --app dga_detector.api run
The initial run may require some time as it downloads the ALBERT model in the background.
Send requests
curl http://localhost:5000/get_prediction/
curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"url_string": " or"}' http://localhost:5000/get_predictions
On my laptop's CPU, it takes approximately 70ms to complete a GET request for http://localhost:5000/get_prediction/
Run the unit tests for modules covered with pytest
The URL parser relies on tldextract
and urlextract
to identify and validate URLs. To function correctly, these libraries require caching of top level domains.
The parser also excludes IP addresses (v4 and v6).
- Training code
- Train on the full data set
- Docker image
- Deploy
- Database
- Caching
- Monitoring
- Scheduled auto-retrain