A Collection of awesome Open-Source VATSIM projects.
This list is licensed under CC0.
- Libraries
- Training Management Systems
- vACC/ARTCC Tools
- Stands
- Mapping Tools
- Euroscope Plugins
- Clients
- Discord bots
- Controller Tools
- Others
- PyVATSIM - Datafeed parser
- Rust VATSIM Utils
- Typescript VATSIM_wrapper
- OAuth2 Vatsim PHP - PHP League VATSIM Connect library
- Plain PHP Connect
- Laravel Socialite
- vatsim_sso - A Ruby gem for VATSIM Connect
- OAuth.Vatsim - A ASP.NET Core package for VATSIM Connect
- Control Center - Open source TMS to handle applications, bookings and training related tasks
- czqo core - All in one tool, used by Gander, VATCAN,...
- My Belux API
- SimAware TRACON Project
- VATPrism
- SimAware
- VATSpy Data Project - Sector mappings used by many maps
- qutescoop
- vatglasses-converter - Tool to convert GNG files to VatGlasses 3D map files. This repo holds all relevant sectors.
- vatsim-radar - Web-based mapping tool like SimAware
- Virtual Controller Helper
- Belux vACC vSMR
- vSMR
- Initial Climb
- vACDM - Euroscope A-CDM implementation using a centralized server with adherance to ECFMP
- VFPC - Flight plan checker
- Delivery Helper
- PushbackFlorian
- IASsure - IAS / Mach calculator
- VATCAN slots plugin
- ModeS - Simulates Mode S transponders
- UACPlugin - Simulates European UAC systems
- ZoomDeclutter - Allows hiding and showing sector elements depending on zoom level
- RDF - Simulates Radio Direction Finding systems
- vice
- vatSys
- xPilot - The X-Plane Pilot client
- vATIS - Next Generation ATIS client
- TrackAudio - Next generation replacement for VectorAudio
- VectorAudio - A Mac/Linux/Windows native Audio for VATSIM ATC client
- VATGER ATCISS - Air Traffic Control Information Support System
- VatIRIS - a replication of the IRL IRIS system
- VatScout - a controller-focused tool to keep an eye on the VATSIM situation
- Hoppie ACARS Docs - Attempts to document the informal ACARS / CPDLC message format in use on Hoppie
- Portugal vACC EAUP
- Portugal vACC VATLARA
- Sector File Coordinate converter
- Sector File Tools - Tool to work with ASR, SCT and ESE files that can also handle GeoJSON
- VATSIM Site Content
- ZAB ARTCC Sources
- VRCLiveTraffic - Live real-world traffic into your VRC or Euroscope client
- OpenSkyToEuroscope - Injects OpenSky live traffic into Euroscope
- vatACARS - vatSys ACARS Plugin for own network
- vPilot Pushover - Plugin for vPilot to notify you about vPilot and Hoppie messages on your mobile device
- VatNotif - Website that allows you to receive discord/push notifications when selected controller/s come online
- VATSIM Discord Rich Presence - Displays live VATSIM pilot or controller info on your discord profile