This is a simple WPF app built with ReactiveUI, It uses the MVVM pattern and dependency injection.
PreziViewer lets you load and view presentations. It fetches data from local and online sources and shows you a list of presentations. You can click on a presentation to see more details, use a custom toolbar for window commands, and navigate between views.
- Build The solution PreziViewer.
- Open the PreziViewer.App as it is the starting point.
- Run the PreziViewer.App.
- The app reads configuration from appsettings.json in the PreziViewer.App project.
- Modify the file paths or online repository URL as needed.
- WPF & MVVM: The app uses WPF for the UI and follows the Model-View-ViewModel pattern.
- ReactiveUI: For data binding and reactive commands.
- Dependency Injection: Uses Microsoft.Extensions.Hosting to set up services, views, and view models.
- Services: Handles fetching presentations from local and online sources.
- Views & ViewModels: Separate UI logic (Views) from business logic (ViewModels).